Map URLs

  Map Title
A chart of Flanders between Calis and Walcheren A chart of Flanders between Calis and Walcheren
A chart of Gvinea describeing the sea coast from Cape de Verde to Cape Bona Esperanca A chart of Gvinea describeing the sea coast from Cape de Verde to Cape Bona Esperanca
A chart of Spaine A chart of Spaine
A chart of the Baltick sea with the North Bodom & Lading A chart of the Baltick sea with the North Bodom & Lading
A chart of the bay of Biscaia A chart of the bay of Biscaia
A chart of the Brittish chanel A chart of the Brittish chanel
A chart of the Caribe islands A chart of the Caribe islands
A chart of the coasts of Barbarie, Gualata, Arguyn & Genehoa from C. Vincent to C Verd. A chart of the coasts of Barbarie, Gualata, Arguyn & Genehoa from C. Vincent to C Verd.
A Chart of the Discoveries and Route of the Northern Land Expedition A Chart of the Discoveries and Route of the Northern Land Expedition
A chart of the eastermost part of the East Indies with all the adjacent islands from Cape Comorin to lapan A chart of the eastermost part of the East Indies with all the adjacent islands from Cape Comorin to lapan
A chart of the Eemes Elve -- A chart of the coast of Jutland A chart of the Eemes Elve -- A chart of the coast of Jutland
A chart of the Levant or eastermost part of the Mediterranean sea A chart of the Levant or eastermost part of the Mediterranean sea
A chart of the Maes and Wielingen -- The coast of Holland between the Maes and Texel A chart of the Maes and Wielingen -- The coast of Holland between the Maes and Texel
A chart of the Narrow seas A chart of the Narrow seas
A chart of the north coast of England, from Yarmouth to Cocket Island -- A description of the east coast of Scotland A chart of the north coast of England, from Yarmouth to Cocket Island -- A description of the east coast of Scotland
A chart of the north part of America -- [Inset] A polar projection describing ye northermost parts of the world A chart of the north part of America -- [Inset] A polar projection describing ye northermost parts of the world
A chart of the North sea A chart of the North sea
A Chart of the Pelew Islands and Adjacent Seas A Chart of the Pelew Islands and Adjacent Seas
A chart of the sea coast of Brazil from Cape St. Augustine to the straights of Magellan A chart of the sea coast of Brazil from Cape St. Augustine to the straights of Magellan
A chart of the sea coasts of England Flanders and Holland A chart of the sea coasts of England Flanders and Holland
A chart of the sea coasts of Russia, Lapland, Finmarke, Nova Zembla and Greenland A chart of the sea coasts of Russia, Lapland, Finmarke, Nova Zembla and Greenland
A chart of the South sea, Texel and Fly-stream -- A chart of the Eemes -- A chart of the Fly and Amerlander gat A chart of the South sea, Texel and Fly-stream -- A chart of the Eemes -- A chart of the Fly and Amerlander gat
A chart of the South-sea A chart of the South-sea
A Chart of the Southern Extremity of Africa A Chart of the Southern Extremity of Africa
A chart of the Tartarian sea from Nova Zemla to lapan A chart of the Tartarian sea from Nova Zemla to lapan
A chart of the West Indies from Cape Cod to the river Oronoque A chart of the West Indies from Cape Cod to the river Oronoque
A chart of the westermost part of the Mediterranean sea A chart of the westermost part of the Mediterranean sea
A chart of the western ocean A chart of the western ocean
A chart of the western part of the East Indies, with all the aejacent islands from Cape Bona Esperanca to Cape Comorin A chart of the western part of the East Indies, with all the aejacent islands from Cape Bona Esperanca to Cape Comorin
A Comparative View Of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Eastern Hemisphere A Comparative View Of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Eastern Hemisphere
A Comparative View Of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Western Hemisphere A Comparative View Of the Principal Waterfalls, Islands, Lakes, Rivers and Mountains, in the Western Hemisphere
A Description of Asabb Bay, the Red Sea A Description of Asabb Bay, the Red Sea
A draught of the sands, channels buoyes beacons and sea marks upon the coast of England -- [Inset] The river of Thames from London Bridge to Tilburyhope A draught of the sands, channels buoyes beacons and sea marks upon the coast of England -- [Inset] The river of Thames from London Bridge to Tilburyhope
A General Chart Shewing the Track and Discoveries of H.M. Ships Isabella and Fury A General Chart Shewing the Track and Discoveries of H.M. Ships Isabella and Fury
A generall chart of the north erne navigation A generall chart of the north erne navigation
A large description of the two chanells in the river Dwina goeing up to the citty of Archangel A large description of the two chanells in the river Dwina goeing up to the citty of Archangel
A Map of Colombia A Map of Colombia
A Map of Colombia A Map of Colombia
A Map of Dahomey with Part of Ashanti A Map of Dahomey with Part of Ashanti
A Map of Fiji and New Caledonia A Map of Fiji and New Caledonia
A Map of Guiana A Map of Guiana
A Map of Jamaica and Barbados A Map of Jamaica and Barbados
A Map of New England and New York A Map of New England and New York
A Map of New Jarsey A Map of New Jarsey
A Map of Part of Bengal and Bahar A Map of Part of Bengal and Bahar
A Map of Peru A Map of Peru
A Map of Russia A Map of Russia
A Map of Suriname A Map of Suriname
A Map of the Arkansas River by H.S. Tanner A Map of the Arkansas River by H.S. Tanner
A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple. A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple.
A Map of the Sommer Ilands A Map of the Sommer Ilands
A Map of Virginia and Maryland A Map of Virginia and Maryland
A Map Shewing the Track of the Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre AD 1560-61 A Map Shewing the Track of the Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre AD 1560-61
A New and Accvrat Map of the World A New and Accvrat Map of the World
A New and Exact Map of the Coasts, Countries, and Islands within the Limits of the South Sea Company A New and Exact Map of the Coasts, Countries, and Islands within the Limits of the South Sea Company
A New Description of Carolina A New Description of Carolina
A New Map of East India A New Map of East India
A New Map of North America from the Latest Discoveries - 1778 A New Map of North America from the Latest Discoveries - 1778
A new plan of the settlements in New South Wales taken by order of Government, July 20th 1810 A new plan of the settlements in New South Wales taken by order of Government, July 20th 1810
A Newe Mape of Germany A Newe Mape of Germany
A Newe Mape of Poland A Newe Mape of Poland
A Newe Mape of Tartary A Newe Mape of Tartary
A Newe Mape of the Romane Empire A Newe Mape of the Romane Empire
A Newe Mape of Y XVII Provinces of Low Germanie A Newe Mape of Y XVII Provinces of Low Germanie
A Part of the River Niger & Chadda, Surveyed in 1832-3 A Part of the River Niger & Chadda, Surveyed in 1832-3
A Plan of Captain Carver's Travels in the Interior Parts of North America A Plan of Captain Carver's Travels in the Interior Parts of North America
A Plan of the City of Mexico by Lt. Col. Don Diego Garcia - AD 1793 A Plan of the City of Mexico by Lt. Col. Don Diego Garcia - AD 1793
A Sketch Map to Illustrate Revd E. J. Davis' Journey's in Cilicia &c. A Sketch Map to Illustrate Revd E. J. Davis' Journey's in Cilicia &c.
A.D. 1. The Roman Empire in the Augustan Age. A.D. 1. The Roman Empire in the Augustan Age.
A.D. 1100. Period Of The First Crusade. A.D. 1100. Period Of The First Crusade.
A.D. 1294. Exhibiting The Empire Of Kublai Khan. A.D. 1294. Exhibiting The Empire Of Kublai Khan.
A.D. 1498. The Discovery Of America. A.D. 1498. The Discovery Of America.
A.D. 1551. At The Death Of Charles V. A.D. 1551. At The Death Of Charles V.
A.D. 1660. At The Restoration Of The Stuarts. A.D. 1660. At The Restoration Of The Stuarts.
A.D. 1783. Independence Of The United States. A.D. 1783. Independence Of The United States.
A.D. 1811. Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. A.D. 1811. Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte.
A.D. 1828. End Of The General Peace. A.D. 1828. End Of The General Peace.
A.D. 337. At The Death Of Constantine. A.D. 337. At The Death Of Constantine.
A.D. 395. The Division Of The Roman Empire. A.D. 395. The Division Of The Roman Empire.
A.D. 476. The Dissolution Of the Western Empire. A.D. 476. The Dissolution Of the Western Empire.
A.D. 814. Exhibiting The Empire Of Charlemagne. A.D. 814. Exhibiting The Empire Of Charlemagne.
A.D. 912. Dissolution of the Empire Of Charlemagne. A.D. 912. Dissolution of the Empire Of Charlemagne.
Abbruzzo Abbruzzo
Aberdeen Aberdeen
Aden Mombaza Qviloa Cefala Aden Mombaza Qviloa Cefala
Adriatic Sea Adriatic Sea
Aegean Sea Aegean Sea
Aegean Sea Aegean Sea
Aelst Aelst
Africa Africa
Africa Africa
Africa Africa
Africa and the Atlantic Ocean Africa and the Atlantic Ocean
Africae Africae
Africae Tabula Nova Africae Tabula Nova
Afrique Afrique
Afrique du Nord-ouest Afrique du Nord-ouest
Afrique meridionale Afrique meridionale
Afrique occidentale [II] Afrique occidentale [II]
Afrique occidentale [I] Afrique occidentale [I]
Afrique orientale [II] Afrique orientale [II]
Afrique orientale [I] Afrique orientale [I]
Agria Vulgo Erla Agria Vulgo Erla
Alexandria Alexandria
Algeria Algeria
Algeria Colonie Francaise Algeria Colonie Francaise
Algerii Saracenorum Vrbis Fortissimae Algerii Saracenorum Vrbis Fortissimae
Alhama 1564 Alhama 1564
Alhambre 1564 Insets Porta Castri Granatensis Semper Clausa Masmoros et Algibe Alhambre 1564 Insets Porta Castri Granatensis Semper Clausa Masmoros et Algibe
Alsatia inferior Alsatia inferior
Alsatia superior Alsatia superior
Alten Stettin Alten Stettin
America America
America America
America Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio America Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio
Amerique Meridionale Amerique Meridionale
Amerique Septentrionale Amerique Septentrionale
Amorfortia Amorfortia
Amstelodamvm Amstelodamvm
Amstelredamvm Amstelredamvm
An Accurate Map of the Kingdom of Norway An Accurate Map of the Kingdom of Norway
An Outline to Shew the Connected Discoveries of Captains Ross, Parry and Franklin An Outline to Shew the Connected Discoveries of Captains Ross, Parry and Franklin
Anahuac in the Year 1521 Containing the Empire of Mexico Anahuac in the Year 1521 Containing the Empire of Mexico
Ancient Mexico from the original map made by order of Montezuma for Cortes Ancient Mexico from the original map made by order of Montezuma for Cortes
Ancient Palestine Ancient Palestine
Ancona Ancona
Anconitana Anconitana
Anfa Qvibsdam Anafea Azaamvrvm Div Goa Anfa Qvibsdam Anafea Azaamvrvm Div Goa
Anglesey Anglesey
Anglia [III] Anglia [III]
Anglia [II] Anglia [II]
Anglia [IV] Anglia [IV]
Anglia [I] Anglia [I]
Anglia [VII] Anglia [VII]
Anglia [VI] Anglia [VI]
Anglia [V] Anglia [V]
Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae sive Britannicar Insularum Descriptio Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae sive Britannicar Insularum Descriptio
Anjou Anjou
Ante Qvera Ante Qvera
Antiqvae Vrbis Romae Imago Accvratiss Bottom Antiqvae Vrbis Romae Imago Accvratiss Bottom
Antiqvae Vrbis Romae Imago Accvratiss Top Antiqvae Vrbis Romae Imago Accvratiss Top
Antverpia Antverpia
Anverpia 1567 Anverpia 1567
Aquitania, Arelatense Aquitania, Arelatense
Aqvapendente et Tarvisi Aqvapendente et Tarvisi
Aqvisgranvm Vulgo Aich 1576 Aqvisgranvm Vulgo Aich 1576
Arabia Arabia
Arabia Felix, Aden, Doara Arabia Felix, Aden, Doara
Arabia, Felix Arabia, Felix
Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf
Arabian Shore Arabian Shore
Archidona La Penna De Los Enamorados Penna Et Archidona 1565 Archidona La Penna De Los Enamorados Penna Et Archidona 1565
Archipielago de los Chonos No. 1 Archipielago de los Chonos No. 1
Archipielago de los Chonos No. 2 Archipielago de los Chonos No. 2
Arctic Regions Arctic Regions
Argentoratvm Straszburg Argentoratvm Straszburg
Argow Argow
Arnhem Gelre Venlo et Rvermonde Arnhem Gelre Venlo et Rvermonde
Arnsberg Arnsberg
Arras Arras
Artesia Artesia
Arx Premislia Celebris Rvssiae Civitas Arx Premislia Celebris Rvssiae Civitas
Asia Asia
Asia Asia
Asia Asia
Asia Asia
Asia Asia
Asia Asia
Asia Minor Asia Minor
Asiae Nova Descriptio Asiae Nova Descriptio
Asie Asie
Atlantic Ocean with coast of Africa and Brazil Atlantic Ocean with coast of Africa and Brazil
Atlantique sud Atlantique sud
Australia Australia
Australia and New Zealand Australia and New Zealand
Austria Austria
Austria Austria
Austriae Austriae
Austrian Empire Austrian Empire
Avguvsta Ivxta Figvram Qvam Hisce Temporibvs Habet Delineata Avguvsta Ivxta Figvram Qvam Hisce Temporibvs Habet Delineata
Avgvsti Apvd Venetos Templi et Palatii Senatorii Apvd Venetos Conflagratio Avgvsti Apvd Venetos Templi et Palatii Senatorii Apvd Venetos Conflagratio
Avgvstodvnvm Vulgo Authun et Noviodvnvm Avgvstodvnvm Vulgo Authun et Noviodvnvm
Avignon Avignon
Avrelia Franciae Civitas Avrelia Franciae Civitas
B.C. 146. At The End Of The Third Punic War. B.C. 146. At The End Of The Third Punic War.
B.C. 1491. The Exodus Of The Israelites. B.C. 1491. The Exodus Of The Israelites.
B.C. 2348. The Deluge. B.C. 2348. The Deluge.
B.C. 301. Exhibiting The Partition Of The Empire Of Alexander. B.C. 301. Exhibiting The Partition Of The Empire Of Alexander.
B.C. 323. Exhibiting The Empire Of Alexander. B.C. 323. Exhibiting The Empire Of Alexander.
B.C. 529. Exhibiting The Empire Of Cyrus. B.C. 529. Exhibiting The Empire Of Cyrus.
B.C. 753. The Foundation Of Rome. B.C. 753. The Foundation Of Rome.
Baiis 1580 Baiis 1580
Bambergae Bambergae
Bancosey, Siam, Cambodia, Siompa Bancosey, Siam, Cambodia, Siompa
Barbariae et Biledvlgerid Nova Descriptio Barbariae et Biledvlgerid Nova Descriptio
Barcelona et Ectia Barcelona et Ectia
Bardewick 1588 Bardewick 1588
Bardvm Pomeraniae Bardvm Pomeraniae
Barkshire Barkshire
Basilea Basilea
Bath Bath
Battlefields, Marches and Principal Stations of the Second Regiment of Cavalry Battlefields, Marches and Principal Stations of the Second Regiment of Cavalry
Bavaria Bavaria
Bedfordshire Bedfordshire
Belfast Belfast
Belgii inferioris Belgii inferioris
Belgium Belgium
Bengall Bay, Aracam Bengall Bay, Aracam
Bengall, Bay of Bengall Bengall, Bay of Bengall
Berga Or Bergen Op Zoom Berga Or Bergen Op Zoom
Bergen Bergen
Berry Berry
Bethvne Bethvne
Bilvao Bilvao
Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of Cartagena Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of Cartagena
Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of Santiago Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of Santiago
Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of Santo Domingo Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of Santo Domingo
Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of St. Augustine Bird's Eye Battle Plan View of St. Augustine
Birds-Eye View of the Panama Canal Birds-Eye View of the Panama Canal
Birmingham Birmingham
Bisnagar [II] Bisnagar [II]
Bisnagar [I] Bisnagar [I]
Blanmont Blanmont
Bloys Bloys
Bohemia Bohemia
Bohemia Bohemia
Bolzvardia Stavria Harlinga et Hindelopia Bolzvardia Stavria Harlinga et Hindelopia
Bombahem Island, Island of Saltset, Coronia Bombahem Island, Island of Saltset, Coronia
Bombay Bombay
Borneo Borneo
Borneo, Celebes Borneo, Celebes
Borneo, Paragoa, Isle of Mindoro Borneo, Paragoa, Isle of Mindoro
Bornnes et Zahara Bornnes et Zahara
Boston Boston
Boulongne Boulongne
Brabantia, Gulice et Cleve Brabantia, Gulice et Cleve
Brabantiae Brabantiae
Bradford, Yorkshire Bradford, Yorkshire
Brandenburg Brandenburg
Brazil Brazil
Breknoke Breknoke
Brema Brema
Brescia et Mediolanum Brescia et Mediolanum
Brighton Brighton
Brightstowe Brightstowe
Brilivm Holandiae Opp Brilivm Holandiae Opp
Britain Britain
Britannia, Normandia Britannia, Normandia
British America British America
British Empire Throughout the World Exhibited in One View British Empire Throughout the World Exhibited in One View
British Guayana British Guayana
British India British India
British North America Sheet I - East British North America Sheet I - East
British North America Sheet II - West British North America Sheet II - West
British North America Sheet III - Pacific Coast British North America Sheet III - Pacific Coast
British Possessions in the Indian Seas British Possessions in the Indian Seas
British Possessions in the Mediterranean British Possessions in the Mediterranean
British Possessions on the North East Coast of South America British Possessions on the North East Coast of South America
British West Indian Possessions Northern British West Indian Possessions Northern
Brittanicæ Insula, Anglia, Scotia & Hibernia Brittanicæ Insula, Anglia, Scotia & Hibernia
Brixia Tyrolis et Lavingen Brixia Tyrolis et Lavingen
Brunswyck Brunswyck
Brussels Brussels
Brvgae Flandricarvm Vrbivm Ornamenta Brvgae Flandricarvm Vrbivm Ornamenta
Brvnn Vulgo Brinn Marchionatus Morauiae Ciuitas insignis Brvnn Vulgo Brinn Marchionatus Morauiae Ciuitas insignis
Brvnopolis Vvlgo Brvnsvicvm Lvnebrgvm Brema Aldenbvrgvm Holsatiae Brvnopolis Vvlgo Brvnsvicvm Lvnebrgvm Brema Aldenbvrgvm Holsatiae
Brvxella Brvxella
Buckingham Buckingham
Burgundia [II] Burgundia [II]
Burgundia [I] Burgundia [I]
Busseen, Vingerle, Malabar, Rojapore Busseen, Vingerle, Malabar, Rojapore
Bvda Citerioris Hvngariae Bvda Citerioris Hvngariae
Bvdingen 1617 Bvdingen 1617
Bvrgos et Sanct Sebastianvm Bvrgos et Sanct Sebastianvm
Byzantivm Nunc Constantinoplis Byzantivm Nunc Constantinoplis
Cabool, the Punjab and Beloochistan Cabool, the Punjab and Beloochistan
Cadiz Almodraua De Cadiz Cadiz Almodraua De Cadiz
Caermarden Caermarden
Caernarvon Caernarvon
Caietae Caietae
Cairus Quae Olim Babylon Cairus Quae Olim Babylon
Calaris Malta Rhodvs et Famavgvsta Calaris Malta Rhodvs et Famavgvsta
Calatia Vulgo Caiazo 1597 Calatia Vulgo Caiazo 1597
Calcaria Calcaria
Calechvt Ormvs Canonor S. Georgii Oppidum Mina Calechvt Ormvs Canonor S. Georgii Oppidum Mina
Caletensium / Verom. Caletensium / Verom.
Caletum Vulgo Cales 1597 Caletum Vulgo Cales 1597
Callicut Callicut
Cambodia, China, Siompa Cambodia, China, Siompa
Cambray Cambray
Cambray 1596 Cambray 1596
Cambridgshire Cambridgshire
Campagna di Roma Campagna di Roma
Campen Campen
Campidonia Campidonia
Canaan Canaan
Candia Candia
Candia La Cita De Corphv Candia La Cita De Corphv
Cantan, Formosa, Luconia Cantan, Formosa, Luconia
Cantebrigia Cantebrigia
Cantvarbvry Cantvarbvry
Cape Bona Esperanca Cape Bona Esperanca
Cape Colony Cape Colony
Caprarola Arx et Horti Farenesiani Caprarola Arx et Horti Farenesiani
Cardiganshyre Cardiganshyre
Caribbee or Leeward Islands Caribbee or Leeward Islands
Carta Agricola Carta Agricola
Carta Eclesiastica Carta Eclesiastica
Carta Etnografica Carta Etnografica
Carta Historica y Arqueologica Carta Historica y Arqueologica
Carta Hydrografica Carta Hydrografica
Carta Minera Carta Minera
Carta Orografica Carta Orografica
Carta Politica Carta Politica
Carte de l'Oasis de Syouah Carte de l'Oasis de Syouah
Carte de la partie de l'ocean Carte de la partie de l'ocean
Carte de la Perse Pour le Voyage du Colonel G Dourville 1819 Carte de la Perse Pour le Voyage du Colonel G Dourville 1819
Carte de la Province de Yucatan Carte de la Province de Yucatan
Carte de la Regence D'Alger Carte de la Regence D'Alger
Carte de Yucatan, dressee par M. de Waldeck Carte de Yucatan, dressee par M. de Waldeck
Carte des Lieux Carte des Lieux
Carte des Terres Australes Carte des Terres Australes
Carte du Brésil Carte du Brésil
Carte du globe Terrestre Carte du globe Terrestre
Carte du Lac de Lucerne ou des Quatre Cantons Carte du Lac de Lucerne ou des Quatre Cantons
Carte du Montenegro Carte du Montenegro
Carte Generale de l'Asie Carte Generale de l'Asie
Carte Generale de l'Europe Carte Generale de l'Europe
Carte Generale de l'Indo-Chine Carte Generale de l'Indo-Chine
Carte geografique de L'Amerique Carte geografique de L'Amerique
Carte Geographique de l'Afrique [Carta dell Africa] Carte Geographique de l'Afrique [Carta dell Africa]
Carte Géographique de l'Italie Carte Géographique de l'Italie
Carte Itineraire No. 1 - Carte des Rapides de Khong Carte Itineraire No. 1 - Carte des Rapides de Khong
Carte Itineraire No. 10 Carte Itineraire No. 10
Carte Itineraire No. 2 Carte Itineraire No. 2
Carte Itineraire No. 3 Carte Itineraire No. 3
Carte Itineraire No. 4 Carte Itineraire No. 4
Carte Itineraire No. 5 Carte Itineraire No. 5
Carte Itineraire No. 6 Carte Itineraire No. 6
Carte Itineraire No. 7 Carte Itineraire No. 7
Carte Itineraire No. 8 Carte Itineraire No. 8
Carte Itineraire No. 9 Carte Itineraire No. 9
Carte physique de l'ocean Carte physique de l'ocean
Carte physique de la Grande mer Carte physique de la Grande mer
Carte physique de la mer des Indes Carte physique de la mer des Indes
Carte pour servir a l'Iteneraire Pittoresque de Fleuve de Hudson Carte pour servir a l'Iteneraire Pittoresque de Fleuve de Hudson
Carwar Carwar
Cassovia Svperioris Hvngariae Civitatas Primaria Cassovia Svperioris Hvngariae Civitatas Primaria
Castanowiz 1617 Castanowiz 1617
Castanowiz Civitiae Propugnaculum Castanowiz Civitiae Propugnaculum
Catana Catana
Caucausus and Crimea Caucausus and Crimea
Ceiloan [III] Ceiloan [III]
Ceiloan [II] Ceiloan [II]
Ceiloan [I] Ceiloan [I]
Ceiloan, Coramandel Ceiloan, Coramandel
Celebes Island Celebes Island
Celebes, Ende, Tiimor Celebes, Ende, Tiimor
Celebes, Java Celebes, Java
Celimham Berncastel Over Manderscheidt Nider Mandersheidt Celimham Berncastel Over Manderscheidt Nider Mandersheidt
Central America Central America
Central America Central America
Central Atlantic Ocean with the Azores Central Atlantic Ocean with the Azores
Central Europe with the Railways Central Europe with the Railways
Cestria Vvglo Chester Anglia Civitas Cestria Vvglo Chester Anglia Civitas
Ceylon Ceylon
Channel Islands Scilly Islands and Isle of Man Channel Islands Scilly Islands and Isle of Man
Channel Islands. (with) inset map of the English Channel Channel Islands. (with) inset map of the English Channel
Charlemont Landrechies Avesnes et Beavmont Charlemont Landrechies Avesnes et Beavmont
Chart of Beering's Straits Chart of Beering's Straits
Chart of Ceylon Chart of Ceylon
Chart of Climates and Productions Chart of Climates and Productions
Chart of Course Taken by the Rurick Chart of Course Taken by the Rurick
Chart of the Caroline Islands [II] Chart of the Caroline Islands [II]
Chart of the Caroline Islands [I] Chart of the Caroline Islands [I]
Chart of the Coast from Behring's Bay to Sea Otter Bay Chart of the Coast from Behring's Bay to Sea Otter Bay
Chart of the Coast of Patagonia, the Falkland Islands and Tierra del Fuego Chart of the Coast of Patagonia, the Falkland Islands and Tierra del Fuego
Chart of the Discoveries in the Arctic Sea from Behring Strait to Baffins Bay 1819-1854 Chart of the Discoveries in the Arctic Sea from Behring Strait to Baffins Bay 1819-1854
Chart of the Great Loo Choo Island Chart of the Great Loo Choo Island
Chart of the Gulf of Pee-Chee-Lee Chart of the Gulf of Pee-Chee-Lee
Chart of the Islands of Radack and Ralick Chart of the Islands of Radack and Ralick
Chart of the Mediterranean Sea Chart of the Mediterranean Sea
Chart of the Mouth of the Para, Curupa, and Amazon Rivers Chart of the Mouth of the Para, Curupa, and Amazon Rivers
Chart of the Northwest Passage Showing the Route of the Investigator Chart of the Northwest Passage Showing the Route of the Investigator
Chart of the World Shewing the Track of the Neva Chart of the World Shewing the Track of the Neva
Chart Showing the Track of H.M.S. "Challenger" (1872-1876) Chart Showing the Track of H.M.S. "Challenger" (1872-1876)
Chart Showing the Track of the Floating Dock Chart Showing the Track of the Floating Dock
Chart, Showing the Track of the Steam-Ship Great Eastern on Her Voyage from Valentia to Newfoundland Chart, Showing the Track of the Steam-Ship Great Eastern on Her Voyage from Valentia to Newfoundland
Chartres et Chateavdvnvm Vulgo Dunoys Chartres et Chateavdvnvm Vulgo Dunoys
Chekiang, China, Formosa Chekiang, China, Formosa
Chili and La Plata Chili and La Plata
Chilonivm Vulgo Kyell Chilonivm Vulgo Kyell
China China
China China
China and Burmah China and Burmah
China Sea with the Moluccas China Sea with the Moluccas
China, Siompa China, Siompa
Chios Chios
Chorographica Descriptio Civitatis Cocheimensis 1575 Chorographica Descriptio Civitatis Cocheimensis 1575
Chorographica Descriptio Civitatis Sarburgensis Chorographica Descriptio Civitatis Sarburgensis
Cinquieme Projection Cinquieme Projection
Circular World Map of the Portuguese Hemisphere Circular World Map of the Portuguese Hemisphere
Circumpolar Map Exhibiting the Inter-Oceanic Circulation Circumpolar Map Exhibiting the Inter-Oceanic Circulation
City and Environs of Srinagar in Kashmir City and Environs of Srinagar in Kashmir
Civitas Exoniae Vulgo Excester Civitas Exoniae Vulgo Excester
Civitas Francofordiana Ad Moe Civitas Francofordiana Ad Moe
Civitatis Episcopalis Othenarvm Sive Otthoniae 1593 Civitatis Episcopalis Othenarvm Sive Otthoniae 1593
Clavdiopolis Coloswar Vulgo Clavsenbvrg Transiluaniae Civitas Primaria Clavdiopolis Coloswar Vulgo Clavsenbvrg Transiluaniae Civitas Primaria
Clifton and Bristol Clifton and Bristol
Cliviam Dvisbvrgvm Embrica and Gennapivm Cliviam Dvisbvrgvm Embrica and Gennapivm
Coast of Corea Coast of Corea
Coastal Views [II] Coastal Views [II]
Coastal Views [I] Coastal Views [I]
Colding Schloss Vnd Stat Colding Schloss Vnd Stat
Colonia Agrippina Colonia Agrippina
Colonies Francaises (en Afrique) Colonies Francaises (en Afrique)
Colonies Francaises (en Amerique) [II] Colonies Francaises (en Amerique) [II]
Colonies Francaises (en Amerique) [I] Colonies Francaises (en Amerique) [I]
Colonies Francaises Martinique Colonies Francaises Martinique
Comarin Comarin
Comorra Comorra
Cong in Persia described, Bussora described (Euphrates River) Cong in Persia described, Bussora described (Euphrates River)
Conil Xeres De La Frontera Conil Xeres De La Frontera
Conimbriae In Lusitania Conimbriae In Lusitania
Constantia Vulgo Costnitz S. Galli Opp Constantia Vulgo Costnitz S. Galli Opp
Coramandel [III] Coramandel [III]
Coramandel [II] Coramandel [II]
Coramandel [I] Coramandel [I]
Cordvba Cordvba
Cork Cork
Cornwall Cornwall
Corsica and Sardinia Corsica and Sardinia
Corsica, Sardinia Corsica, Sardinia
Cotidal Lines for the Arctic Regions Cotidal Lines for the Arctic Regions
Countries in the Northern Tropical Regions of Africa Countries in the Northern Tropical Regions of Africa
County Map of California County Map of California
County Map of England and Wales County Map of England and Wales
County Map of Florida County Map of Florida
County Map of Georgia and Alabama County Map of Georgia and Alabama
County Map of Kentucky and Tennessee County Map of Kentucky and Tennessee
County Map of Michigan and Wisconsin County Map of Michigan and Wisconsin
County Map of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton and Prince Edwards Island County Map of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton and Prince Edwards Island
County Map of Ohio and Indiana County Map of Ohio and Indiana
County Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware County Map of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware
County Map of Texas County Map of Texas
County Map of the State of Maine County Map of the State of Maine
County Map of the States of New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut County Map of the States of New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut
County Map of Virginia and North Carolina County Map of Virginia and North Carolina
Coupe de la ville de Paris Coupe de la ville de Paris
Cracovia Metropolis Regni Poloniae Cracovia Metropolis Regni Poloniae
Cracovia Minoris Poloniae Metropolis Cracovia Minoris Poloniae Metropolis
Crempa et Reinholdsbvrga Crempa et Reinholdsbvrga
Cuchin Cuchin
Cumberland Cumberland
Cypres by E. G. Ravenstein Cypres by E. G. Ravenstein
Cyprus Insula Cyprus Insula
Cyrenaica Corrected from the Surveys of Capt's Smyth, Beechy and Spratt Cyrenaica Corrected from the Surveys of Capt's Smyth, Beechy and Spratt
Czaslavivm Vulgo Czasla Bohemiae Civitas et Commoda Vulgo Comethav Czaslavivm Vulgo Czasla Bohemiae Civitas et Commoda Vulgo Comethav
Damascvs Damascvs
Daniæ regni [III] Daniæ regni [III]
Daniæ regni [II] Daniæ regni [II]
Daniæ regni [IV] Daniæ regni [IV]
Daniæ regni [I] Daniæ regni [I]
Daniae Regni Typus Daniae Regni Typus
Danish Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean Danish Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean
Danorum Marca Uel Cimbricum 1585 Danorum Marca Uel Cimbricum 1585
Dantzigt Dantzigt
Darbieshire Darbieshire
Decem et Tria Decem et Tria
Defaite de Databalipa Defaite de Databalipa
Delphvm Or Delft Delphvm Or Delft
Denbighshore Denbighshore
Denmark Denmark
Denmark with Schleswig and Holstein Denmark with Schleswig and Holstein
Dept. D'Ille et Vilaine Dept. D'Ille et Vilaine
Dept. D'Indre et Loire Dept. D'Indre et Loire
Dept. De Ardennes Dept. De Ardennes
Dept. De Basse-Alpes Dept. De Basse-Alpes
Dept. De Bes. Du Rhone Dept. De Bes. Du Rhone
Dept. De Cher Dept. De Cher
Dept. De Corse [Corsica] Dept. De Corse [Corsica]
Dept. De Cotes du Nord Dept. De Cotes du Nord
Dept. De Hautes Alpes Dept. De Hautes Alpes
Dept. De L'Ain Dept. De L'Ain
Dept. De L'Aisne Dept. De L'Aisne
Dept. De L'Allier Dept. De L'Allier
Dept. De L'Ardeche Dept. De L'Ardeche
Dept. De L'Ariege Dept. De L'Ariege
Dept. De L'Aube Dept. De L'Aube
Dept. De L'Aude Dept. De L'Aude
Dept. De L'Aveyron Dept. De L'Aveyron
Dept. De L'Eure Dept. De L'Eure
Dept. De L'Eure et Loir Dept. De L'Eure et Loir
Dept. De L'Herault Dept. De L'Herault
Dept. De L'Indre Dept. De L'Indre
Dept. De L'Isere Dept. De L'Isere
Dept. De L'Oise Dept. De L'Oise
Dept. De L'Orne Dept. De L'Orne
Dept. De La Charente Dept. De La Charente
Dept. De La Charente Infre Dept. De La Charente Infre
Dept. De La Correze Dept. De La Correze
Dept. De La Cote D'Or Dept. De La Cote D'Or
Dept. De La Creuse Dept. De La Creuse
Dept. De La Dordeogne Dept. De La Dordeogne
Dept. De La Drome Dept. De La Drome
Dept. De La Gironde Dept. De La Gironde
Dept. De La Haute Loire Dept. De La Haute Loire
Dept. De La Hte. Garonn Dept. De La Hte. Garonn
Dept. De La Hte. Marne Dept. De La Hte. Marne
Dept. De La Hte. Saone Dept. De La Hte. Saone
Dept. De La Hte. Vienne Dept. De La Hte. Vienne
Dept. De La Loire Dept. De La Loire
Dept. De La Loire Infre Dept. De La Loire Infre
Dept. De La Lozere Dept. De La Lozere
Dept. De La Manche Dept. De La Manche
Dept. De La Marne Dept. De La Marne
Dept. De La Mayenne Dept. De La Mayenne
Dept. De La Meurthe Dept. De La Meurthe
Dept. De La Meuse Dept. De La Meuse
Dept. De La Moselle Dept. De La Moselle
Dept. De La Nievre Dept. De La Nievre
Dept. De La Sarthe Dept. De La Sarthe
Dept. De La Siene Dept. De La Siene
Dept. De La Siene Inferieure Dept. De La Siene Inferieure
Dept. De La Vendee Dept. De La Vendee
Dept. De La Vienne Dept. De La Vienne
Dept. De Loir et Cher Dept. De Loir et Cher
Dept. De Lot et Garonne Dept. De Lot et Garonne
Dept. De Lyonne Dept. De Lyonne
Dept. De Maine et Loire Dept. De Maine et Loire
Dept. De Saone et Loire Dept. De Saone et Loire
Dept. De Siene et Marne Dept. De Siene et Marne
Dept. De Siene et Oise Dept. De Siene et Oise
Dept. De Tarn et Garonne Dept. De Tarn et Garonne
Dept. De Vaucluse Dept. De Vaucluse
Dept. Des Bses. Pyrenees Dept. Des Bses. Pyrenees
Dept. Des De La Somme Dept. Des De La Somme
Dept. Des Deux Sevres Dept. Des Deux Sevres
Dept. Des Htes. Pyrenees Dept. Des Htes. Pyrenees
Dept. Des Landes Dept. Des Landes
Dept. Des Pyrenees Orles Dept. Des Pyrenees Orles
Dept. Des Vosges Dept. Des Vosges
Dept. Du Bas Rhin Dept. Du Bas Rhin
Dept. Du Calvados Dept. Du Calvados
Dept. Du Cantal Dept. Du Cantal
Dept. Du Doubs Dept. Du Doubs
Dept. Du Finistere Dept. Du Finistere
Dept. Du Gard Dept. Du Gard
Dept. Du Gers Dept. Du Gers
Dept. Du Haut Rhin Dept. Du Haut Rhin
Dept. Du Jura Dept. Du Jura
Dept. Du Loiret Dept. Du Loiret
Dept. Du Lot Dept. Du Lot
Dept. Du Morbihan Dept. Du Morbihan
Dept. Du Nord Dept. Du Nord
Dept. Du Pas De Calais Dept. Du Pas De Calais
Dept. Du Puy De Dome Dept. Du Puy De Dome
Dept. Du Rhone Dept. Du Rhone
Dept. Du Tarn Dept. Du Tarn
Dept. Du Var Dept. Du Var
Descriptio Germaniae Inferioris Descriptio Germaniae Inferioris
Description De La Ville De Bar Faicte L An 1617 Description De La Ville De Bar Faicte L An 1617
Description of a View of the Continent of Boothia Description of a View of the Continent of Boothia
Deuxieme Projection Deuxieme Projection
Deventer Deventer
Devonshire Devonshire
Die Stat Swybvschin In Nider Schlesien Die Stat Swybvschin In Nider Schlesien
Dillenbvrg et Segen Dillenbvrg et Segen
Dordracvm Vulgo Dortt Dordracvm Vulgo Dortt
Dordrecht Dordrecht
Dorsetshyre Dorsetshyre
Dotis Dotis
Dovay Dovay
Dresden And Leibzigk Dresden And Leibzigk
Dublin Dublin
Ducatus Mediolanensis Ducatus Mediolanensis
Dutch Possessions in South America and the West Indies Dutch Possessions in South America and the West Indies
Dutch Possessions in the Indian Archipelago Dutch Possessions in the Indian Archipelago
Dvynkercke Grevelinge and Borborch Dvynkercke Grevelinge and Borborch
East Canada and New Brunswick East Canada and New Brunswick
East Coast of South America East Coast of South America
Eastern Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere
Edenbvrg Edenbvrg
Edinburgh Edinburgh
Egypt Map Egypt Map
Egypt, and Arabia Petraea Egypt, and Arabia Petraea
Eisenstadivm Vulgo Eisnstat et Mannersdorf 1617 Eisenstadivm Vulgo Eisnstat et Mannersdorf 1617
Eisleben et Tvbingen Eisleben et Tvbingen
Ekelenforda Ekelenforda
Elegantissimus Ad Mare Tyrrhenum Ex Monte Pausilipo Neapolis Elegantissimus Ad Mare Tyrrhenum Ex Monte Pausilipo Neapolis
Elsenor et Ripen Elsenor et Ripen
Embden & Oldenborch Embden & Oldenborch
Empire of Japan Empire of Japan
Emvda Vulgo Embden Emvda Vulgo Embden
Enchuysen Enchuysen
England and Wales England and Wales
England and Wales England and Wales
England and Wales Cities Ports and Harbours England and Wales Cities Ports and Harbours
Ens 1617 Ens 1617
Eschwege et Fritzlar Eschwege et Fritzlar
Essex Essex
Estrecho de Magallanes Estrecho de Magallanes
Europa Europa
Europae Europae
Europe Europe
Europe Europe
Europe Europe
Europe Europe
Europe and Northern Africa Europe and Northern Africa
Europe and Northern Africa Europe and Northern Africa
Europe centrale et meridionale Europe centrale et meridionale
Europe meridionale et Afrique du nord-ouest [II] Europe meridionale et Afrique du nord-ouest [II]
Europe meridionale et Afrique du nord-ouest [I] Europe meridionale et Afrique du nord-ouest [I]
Europe meridionale et orientale Europe meridionale et orientale
Europe occidentale Europe occidentale
Europe septentrionale et Groenland [II] Europe septentrionale et Groenland [II]
Europe septentrionale et Groenland [I] Europe septentrionale et Groenland [I]
Evrop [Europe] Evrop [Europe]
Exeter Exeter
Falkland Islands and Patagonia Falkland Islands and Patagonia
Flandria Flandria
Flandria Flandria
Flensbvrgvm et Itzohoa Flensbvrgvm et Itzohoa
Flintshire Flintshire
Flissinga Flissinga
Floride, Canada et Labrador Floride, Canada et Labrador
Floride, Terre-Neuve et Labrador Floride, Terre-Neuve et Labrador
Fonthill Domain Fonthill Domain
Formosa [II] Formosa [II]
Formosa [I] Formosa [I]
Forvm Vvlcani Forvm Vvlcani
France France
France France
France and It's Principal Foreign Possessions France and It's Principal Foreign Possessions
Francenbvrgvm Francenbvrgvm
Francia, Picardia Francia, Picardia
Franciae Orientalis Monasteriensis Franciae Orientalis Monasteriensis
Franconia Franconia
French Ports and Harbours and Plan of Paris French Ports and Harbours and Plan of Paris
Freti Danici or Svndt Accvratiss Delineatio Freti Danici or Svndt Accvratiss Delineatio
Fribergvm Misinae Fribergvm Misinae
Frisia Occidentalis Frisia Occidentalis
Friuli et Istria Friuli et Istria
Fvundi Or Fondi 1578 Fvundi Or Fondi 1578
Gades Ab Occidvis Insvlae Partibvs 1564 Harbor Of Cadiz Inset Gades Ab Occidvis Insvlae Partibvs 1564 Harbor Of Cadiz Inset
Gallia Gallia
Galliae Narbonensis / Sabaundiae et Burgundiae Galliae Narbonensis / Sabaundiae et Burgundiae
Galliae Regni Potentiss Galliae Regni Potentiss
Gallipolis Gallipolis
Galwaye Dvbline Lymericke et Corcke Galwaye Dvbline Lymericke et Corcke
Gandavvm Gandavvm
Geldria Geldria
Gelriae, Cliviae Finitimorumque Locorumverissima Descriptio Gelriae, Cliviae Finitimorumque Locorumverissima Descriptio
General Map of Australia General Map of Australia
General Map of the Government Railways in Japan General Map of the Government Railways in Japan
General View of the North Atlantic with Part of the Coasts of Europe and North America General View of the North Atlantic with Part of the Coasts of Europe and North America
Generale Verzamelkaart der Nederlandsche Westindische Bezittingen Generale Verzamelkaart der Nederlandsche Westindische Bezittingen
Genva And Florentia Genva And Florentia
Geologic Map of the Colorado Plateau and San Francisco Mountains Geologic Map of the Colorado Plateau and San Francisco Mountains
Geologic Map of the Mesozoic Terraces of the Grand Canon District Geologic Map of the Mesozoic Terraces of the Grand Canon District
Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau [Composite] Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau [Composite]
Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part I. North-Western Sheet] Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part I. North-Western Sheet]
Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part II. North-Eastern Sheet] Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part II. North-Eastern Sheet]
Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part III. South-Western Sheet] Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part III. South-Western Sheet]
Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part IV. South-Eastern Sheet] Geologic Map of the Southern Part of the Kaibab Plateau. [Part IV. South-Eastern Sheet]
Geologic map sheets XX-XXIII [Composite] Geologic map sheets XX-XXIII [Composite]
Geologic Map Showing the Kanab, Paria and Marble Canon Platforms Geologic Map Showing the Kanab, Paria and Marble Canon Platforms
Geologic Map Showing the South-Western Portion of the Mesozoic Terraces Geologic Map Showing the South-Western Portion of the Mesozoic Terraces
Geological Map of the District of Predazzo, St. Cassian and the Seisser Alp Geological Map of the District of Predazzo, St. Cassian and the Seisser Alp
Geological Map of the Western Part of Plateau Province Geological Map of the Western Part of Plateau Province
Geological Profiles of Routes Along the Expedition Geological Profiles of Routes Along the Expedition
Geology of the Genesee River Geology of the Genesee River
Germania Germania
Germania Germania
Germany Germany
Glaciers of the Canton of Berne Glaciers of the Canton of Berne
Glamorganshyre Glamorganshyre
Glasgow Glasgow
Globus des Johannes Schöner A.D Jahare 1515 Globus des Johannes Schöner A.D Jahare 1515
Globus des Johannes Schöner A.D Jahare 1520 Globus des Johannes Schöner A.D Jahare 1520
Glocestershire Glocestershire
Gmvnden 1594 Gmvnden 1594
Gorlitz Gorlitz
Govda Govda
Graecia Graecia
Graeciae Universae Graeciae Universae
Granada 1563 Granada 1563
Granata 1565 Granata 1565
Grande et Petite Jave [II] Grande et Petite Jave [II]
Grande et Petite Jave [I] Grande et Petite Jave [I]
Gratianopolis Grenoble et Romans Delfinatus Gratianopolis Grenoble et Romans Delfinatus
Great Britain and Ireland Great Britain and Ireland
Greece Greece
Greece Greece
Greece. (with) inset maps of Corfu and Stampalia Greece. (with) inset maps of Corfu and Stampalia
Grodna Grodna
Groeninga Broversavia Goricvm Groeninga Broversavia Goricvm
Groninga Groninga
Guinea and South Western Africa Guinea and South Western Africa
Guzarat, India [II] Guzarat, India [II]
Guzarat, India [I] Guzarat, India [I]
Hafnia Vulgo Kopenhagen 1587 et Kopenhagen Hafnia Vulgo Kopenhagen 1587 et Kopenhagen
Hagae Comitis Hagae Comitis
Hailbrvnna Mvlhvsivm et Revtlinga Hailbrvnna Mvlhvsivm et Revtlinga
Hala Hala
Halberstadivm et Qvedelinbvrga Halberstadivm et Qvedelinbvrga
Hall In Sachsen et Hildsheim Hall In Sachsen et Hildsheim
Hambvrgvm Hambvrgvm
Hannonia Hannonia
Hantshire Hantshire
Harbour of St. Catherine - 1804 Harbour of St. Catherine - 1804
Harbour of St. Paul - 1805 Harbour of St. Paul - 1805
Hardales Cartama 1564 Hardales Cartama 1564
Harlemvm Harlemvm
Hartfordshire Hartfordshire
Hassia Hassia
Heide 1596 et Meldorpie Heide 1596 et Meldorpie
Heidelberga Spira Wormatia Heidelberga Spira Wormatia
Helsheborch Lvnden Elbogen et Landeskron Helsheborch Lvnden Elbogen et Landeskron
Helvetia Helvetia
Helvetiae Descriptio Aegidio Helvetiae Descriptio Aegidio
Herderwyct Or Herderwct Herderwyct Or Herderwct
Herefordshire Herefordshire
Hesdynfort Hesdynfort
Hibernia [III] Hibernia [III]
Hibernia [II] Hibernia [II]
Hibernia [IV] Hibernia [IV]
Hibernia [I] Hibernia [I]
Hibernia [V] Hibernia [V]
Hierosolyma Or Jerusalem Hierosolyma Or Jerusalem
Hierosolyma Vrbs Sancta Hierosolyma Vrbs Sancta
Holland Holland
Holland Holland
Holland and Belgium Holland and Belgium
Hollandia Hollandia
Hollandiae Hollandiae
Holsatiae Plona 1593 Holsatiae Plona 1593
Holy Iland, Garnsey, Farne and Iarsey Holy Iland, Garnsey, Farne and Iarsey
Hungaria Hungaria
Hungariae Descriptio Wolfgang Lazio Auct. Hungariae Descriptio Wolfgang Lazio Auct.
Hungary Hungary
Huntington Huntington
Hvsemvm Dvcatcs Slesvicensis Ad Sinvm Heveram Opp et Haderslebia Hvsemvm Dvcatcs Slesvicensis Ad Sinvm Heveram Opp et Haderslebia
Hvvm Hvvm
Hypra Flandriarvm Civitas Mvnitissima Hypra Flandriarvm Civitas Mvnitissima
Iaverinvm Vulgo Rab 1594 Iaverinvm Vulgo Rab 1594
Icon Ciuitatis Campensis Icon Ciuitatis Campensis
Iervsalem Bottom Iervsalem Bottom
Iervsalem Top Iervsalem Top
Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas
Illustration of Paper Read by General J.H. Simpson ... on Coronado's March Illustration of Paper Read by General J.H. Simpson ... on Coronado's March
Inde orientale Inde orientale
Independent Tartary Independent Tartary
India India
Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus Indiae Orientalis Insularumque Adiacientium Typus
Indian Archipelago Indian Archipelago
Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
Indumenta Germania Vrbs Indumenta Germania Vrbs
Instruccion Publica Instruccion Publica
Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio Insularum Aliquot Maris Mediterranei Descriptio
Ireland Ireland
Ireland Ireland
Irish Ports and Harbours Irish Ports and Harbours
Isla de Juan Fernandes Isla de Juan Fernandes
Isla de la Mocha Isla de la Mocha
Island of Ascension Island of Ascension
Island of Cadiak with its Environs - 1805 Island of Cadiak with its Environs - 1805
Islandia Islandia
Islands in the Atlantic Islands in the Atlantic
Islands in the Indian Ocean (with) inset map of Mauritius Islands in the Indian Ocean (with) inset map of Mauritius
Islands of Japan Islands of Japan
Islands [II] Islands [II]
Islands [I] Islands [I]
Isle Coronia, India Isle Coronia, India
Isle de la Reunion Isle de la Reunion
Isthmus of Panama Isthmus of Panama
Italia Italia
Italia Italia
Italia Novissima Descriptio Italia Novissima Descriptio
Italy Italy
Ivtetia Vulgari Nomina Paris Ivtetia Vulgari Nomina Paris
Jamaica Jamaica
Japan & Corea Japan & Corea
Japan, Cikoko, Tanaxima Japan, Cikoko, Tanaxima
Java [II] Java [II]
Java [I] Java [I]
Java, Sumatra Java, Sumatra
Kaiser Franz-Josephs Fjord Kaiser Franz-Josephs Fjord
Kalifornia Deli Reszet - 1858 Kalifornia Deli Reszet - 1858
Karta ofver Norrbottens Lan [..] Peterson, 1865 Karta ofver Norrbottens Lan [..] Peterson, 1865
Karte des Hochgebirge von Grindelwald Karte des Hochgebirge von Grindelwald
Karte over Spetsbergen Karte over Spetsbergen
Karte von Helgoland Karte von Helgoland
Karten von Helgoland im Mittelalter Karten von Helgoland im Mittelalter
Kelly's Map of the Environs of Dublin Including the County of Wicklow Kelly's Map of the Environs of Dublin Including the County of Wicklow
Kent Kent
Kingdom of Italy Kingdom of Italy
Konigsbbergt et Riga Konigsbbergt et Riga
Kust Van Mangarei Island, Floris Of Ende Kust Van Mangarei Island, Floris Of Ende
La France La France
La Java La Java
La Sierra De Sant Adrian En Biscaia 1567 La Sierra De Sant Adrian En Biscaia 1567
Lacvs Agnianvs Lacvs Agnianvs
Lagao Lagao
Lakii Lacus Vulgo Terretorii Romani Descrip Fori Iulii Lakii Lacus Vulgo Terretorii Romani Descrip Fori Iulii
Landshvt 1578 Landshvt 1578
Lavna Vulgo Lavn Bohemiae Civitates et Schlanivm Vulgo Schlani Lavna Vulgo Lavn Bohemiae Civitates et Schlanivm Vulgo Schlani
Le Brixa et Settenil Le Brixa et Settenil
Le Monde Connu des Anciens Le Monde Connu des Anciens
Leafs 11 & 12 Leafs 11 & 12
Leafs 5 & 6 Leafs 5 & 6
Leafs 7 & 8 Leafs 7 & 8
Leafs 9 & 10 Leafs 9 & 10
Leeds Leeds
Leevwaerden et Franicker Leevwaerden et Franicker
Leicester Leicester
Leodivm, Liege Leodivm, Liege
Leopolis Leopolis
Leyden 1574 Leyden 1574
Lille Insvla Lille Insvla
Linsvm Avstriae Vulgo Lintz 1594 Linsvm Avstriae Vulgo Lintz 1594
Lippe et Dortmvnd Lippe et Dortmvnd
Lipsiae Insignnis Saxoniae Urbis 1617 Lipsiae Insignnis Saxoniae Urbis 1617
Lira or Lier Lira or Lier
Lisbona et Cascale Lusitaniae Opp Lisbona et Cascale Lusitaniae Opp
Lisiansky's Isle - 1805 Lisiansky's Isle - 1805
Lithuania Lithuania
Liverpool Liverpool
Livonia Livonia
Loeven Loeven
Lombardia [III] Lombardia [III]
Lombardia [II] Lombardia [II]
Lombardia [IV] Lombardia [IV]
Lombardia [I] Lombardia [I]
Londinvm Feracissimi Angligae Regni Metropolis Londinvm Feracissimi Angligae Regni Metropolis
Lotharingia [II] Lotharingia [II]
Lotharingia [I] Lotharingia [I]
Lovicensis Civitas Lovicensis Civitas
Loxa Loxa
Luconia Luconia
Lutzenburg Lutzenburg
Luxembovrg Luxembovrg
Lvbeca Vrbs Imperialis Libera Hamburga 1572 Lvbeca Vrbs Imperialis Libera Hamburga 1572
Lvca Lvca
Lvcenbvrgvm Inset Illtrissimi Perri Erenst Masfeldie Lvcenbvrgvm Inset Illtrissimi Perri Erenst Masfeldie
Lvgdvnvm Vulgo Lion Vienna Vulgo Vienne De France Lvgdvnvm Vulgo Lion Vienna Vulgo Vienne De France
Lvgdvnvm, Lyon Lvgdvnvm, Lyon
Lvneborch Lvneborch
Lympvrch Lympvrch
Macedonia Macedonia
Maestricht Maestricht
Magadoxa Magadoxa
Magadoxa, Melinde, Mombaza, Quiloa Magadoxa, Melinde, Mombaza, Quiloa
Magdebvrgvm Magdebvrgvm
Magnus Sinus Magnus Sinus
Malabar Malabar
Malapi Malapi
Malay Archipelago, or East India Islands Malay Archipelago, or East India Islands
Malaya Malaya
Malaya, Sumatra Malaya, Sumatra
Manchester and It's Environs Manchester and It's Environs
Mantva 1575 Mantva 1575
Map Accompanying Argentina Past and Present, Second Edition Map Accompanying Argentina Past and Present, Second Edition
Map Illustrating Capt. A. H. Markham's Voyage in the Arctic - 1873 Map Illustrating Capt. A. H. Markham's Voyage in the Arctic - 1873
Map No. 3 Map No. 3
Map No. 4 Map No. 4
Map of a Route through the Regency of Tripoli and Kingdom of Fezzan Map of a Route through the Regency of Tripoli and Kingdom of Fezzan
Map of Africa Showing It's Most Recent Discoveries Map of Africa Showing It's Most Recent Discoveries
Map of Albania Map of Albania
Map of Asia Minor Shewing the District Visited by Revd E. J. Davis Map of Asia Minor Shewing the District Visited by Revd E. J. Davis
Map of Asia Showing It's Political Divisions Map of Asia Showing It's Political Divisions
Map of Barbary Map of Barbary
Map of Bermuda Map of Bermuda
Map of Canada Map of Canada
Map of Canada East in Counties Map of Canada East in Counties
Map of Canada West in Counties Map of Canada West in Counties
Map of Central America Map of Central America
Map of Chicago Map of Chicago
Map of China Map of China
Map of Drake's Voyage Around the World Map of Drake's Voyage Around the World
Map of Dumfries and Maxwelltown Map of Dumfries and Maxwelltown
Map of Eastern New York Map of Eastern New York
Map of Equatorial Africa Map of Equatorial Africa
Map of Europe Showing It's Political Divisions Map of Europe Showing It's Political Divisions
Map of Exploration and Surveys in New Mexico and Utah Map of Exploration and Surveys in New Mexico and Utah
Map of Far Eastern Asia Including Siberia and Manchuria Map of Far Eastern Asia Including Siberia and Manchuria
Map of France, Spain and Portugal Map of France, Spain and Portugal
Map of Greece and the Archipelago Map of Greece and the Archipelago
Map of Hindoostan, Farther India, China and Tibet Map of Hindoostan, Farther India, China and Tibet
Map of Iceland Map of Iceland
Map of India Map of India
Map of Kashmir to Illustrate Routes Map of Kashmir to Illustrate Routes
Map of Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas Map of Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas
Map of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies Map of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies
Map of Monte Rosa Map of Monte Rosa
Map of New South Wales Map of New South Wales
Map of North America Showing the Political Divisions Map of North America Showing the Political Divisions
Map of Norway Map of Norway
Map of Novaya Zemlya and the Kara Sea Showing the Track of Mr. Chas L. W. Gardiner's Yacht Glowworm Map of Novaya Zemlya and the Kara Sea Showing the Track of Mr. Chas L. W. Gardiner's Yacht Glowworm
Map of Oregon, Washington and Part of British Columbia Map of Oregon, Washington and Part of British Columbia
Map of Palestine with Portions of Syria Map of Palestine with Portions of Syria
Map of Part of New South Wales Map of Part of New South Wales
Map of Persia, Turkey in Asia, Afghanistan, Beloochistan Map of Persia, Turkey in Asia, Afghanistan, Beloochistan
Map of Raids and Battles by the Second Regiment of Cavalry Map of Raids and Battles by the Second Regiment of Cavalry
Map of Railroad Routs to the City of Ottawa Map of Railroad Routs to the City of Ottawa
Map of South America Showing It's Political Divisions Map of South America Showing It's Political Divisions
Map of the Austrian Empire, Italian States, Turkey in Europe and Greece Map of the Austrian Empire, Italian States, Turkey in Europe and Greece
Map of the Blumlisalp and Doldenhorn Group Map of the Blumlisalp and Doldenhorn Group
Map of the Central Indian Highlands Map of the Central Indian Highlands
Map of the City of Yedo and Vicinity Map of the City of Yedo and Vicinity
Map of the Countries on the East Coast of the Mediterranean Sea Map of the Countries on the East Coast of the Mediterranean Sea
Map of the Country Drained by the Mississippi Map of the Country Drained by the Mississippi
Map of the Country from Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean Map of the Country from Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean
Map of the Country of the Arabian Horse Map of the Country of the Arabian Horse
Map of the Country, Islands, &c in the Vicinity of Naples Map of the Country, Islands, &c in the Vicinity of Naples
Map of the Cruise of the Flying Squadron Map of the Cruise of the Flying Squadron
Map of the Delta of the Indus Map of the Delta of the Indus
Map of the European Polar Sea Map of the European Polar Sea
Map of the Faroe Islands Map of the Faroe Islands
Map of the Gjendin Lake and Surrounding Mountains Map of the Gjendin Lake and Surrounding Mountains
Map of the Hawaiian Islands Map of the Hawaiian Islands
Map of the Island of Capri in the Gulf of Naples Map of the Island of Capri in the Gulf of Naples
Map of the Land of Midian Map of the Land of Midian
Map of the Navigable Portions of the Kasai River Map of the Navigable Portions of the Kasai River
Map of the Neelgiries and the Different Approaches to Them [1834] Map of the Neelgiries and the Different Approaches to Them [1834]
Map of the North Polar Region Map of the North Polar Region
Map of the Overland Route to Australia Map of the Overland Route to Australia
Map of the Peninsula of Labrador Map of the Peninsula of Labrador
Map of the Regencies of Tripoly and Tunis Map of the Regencies of Tripoly and Tunis
Map of the River Moisie and Adjoining Country Map of the River Moisie and Adjoining Country
Map of the Route Map of the Route
Map of the Route from Leh to Yarkand and Kashgar Map of the Route from Leh to Yarkand and Kashgar
Map of the Route of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales through British North America Map of the Route of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales through British North America
Map of the Route of the British Embassy (I) Map of the Route of the British Embassy (I)
Map of the Route of the British Embassy (II) Map of the Route of the British Embassy (II)
Map of the South Eastern Alps Showing the Routes Followed by the Authors Map of the South Eastern Alps Showing the Routes Followed by the Authors
Map of the Southwest Coast of Iceland Map of the Southwest Coast of Iceland
Map of the Tertiary of Essex Co. Map of the Tertiary of Essex Co.
Map of the Uinkaret Plateau [Composite] Map of the Uinkaret Plateau [Composite]
Map of the Uinkaret Plateau [North Half] Map of the Uinkaret Plateau [North Half]
Map of the Uinkaret Plateau [South Half] Map of the Uinkaret Plateau [South Half]
Map of the United States and Territories Map of the United States and Territories
Map of the United States and Territories Map of the United States and Territories
Map of the Valley of the Nile Map of the Valley of the Nile
Map of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres, with the Surrounding States Map of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres, with the Surrounding States
Map of the Western Half of the Hellespontine Phrygia Map of the Western Half of the Hellespontine Phrygia
Map of the World Illustrating B. Seeman's Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S Herald Map of the World Illustrating B. Seeman's Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S Herald
Map of the World on the Mercator Projection Map of the World on the Mercator Projection
Map of the World Showing Francis E. Clarks' Journey Map of the World Showing Francis E. Clarks' Journey
Map of the World Showing the Principal Surface Currents of the Ocean Map of the World Showing the Principal Surface Currents of the Ocean
Map of the World Showing the Principal Surface Currents of the Ocean Map of the World Showing the Principal Surface Currents of the Ocean
Map of the Yang-Tse-Kiang or Ta-Kiang Map of the Yang-Tse-Kiang or Ta-Kiang
Map of Vazeeri Rupi and Kulu Valley Map of Vazeeri Rupi and Kulu Valley
Map of Vermont and New Hampshire Map of Vermont and New Hampshire
Map of Victoria Map of Victoria
Map of Western Massachusetts and Connecticut Map of Western Massachusetts and Connecticut
Map of Western North America Map of Western North America
Map Shewing Lines of Communication via New Transmit Route Through Central America Map Shewing Lines of Communication via New Transmit Route Through Central America
Map Showing the Contours of the Atlantic Ocean Map Showing the Contours of the Atlantic Ocean
Map Showing the Contours of the Pacific Ocean Map Showing the Contours of the Pacific Ocean
Map to Illustrate Mr. Kane's Travels Map to Illustrate Mr. Kane's Travels
Map to Illustrate Mr. Robert's Route Map to Illustrate Mr. Robert's Route
Map to Illustrate the Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland and Italy Map to Illustrate the Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland and Italy
Map to Illustrate the Route of Prince Maximilian of Wied Map to Illustrate the Route of Prince Maximilian of Wied
Mapa de Chile Mapa de Chile
Mapa para la Inteligencia de la Historia, Fisica, y Politica de Chile Mapa para la Inteligencia de la Historia, Fisica, y Politica de Chile
Mappemonde Mappemonde
Mappemonde Mappemonde
Marchena et Orchvna Marchena et Orchvna
Marienberg Misniae Civitas Marienberg Misniae Civitas
Marpvrg Cassel Marpvrg Cassel
Martaban Martaban
Maseille Maseille
Matiscona 1580 Cabillinvm Indigenis Chalon Matiscona 1580 Cabillinvm Indigenis Chalon
Mechelen et Mechlineensis Mechelen et Mechlineensis
Mediolanvm Mediolanvm
Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranee orientale et Moyen-Orient Mediterranee orientale et Moyen-Orient
Ments Wortzbvrg Sitten Ments Wortzbvrg Sitten
Mer de l'Inde orientale et des Moluques Mer de l'Inde orientale et des Moluques
Mer de l'Inde orientale [II] Mer de l'Inde orientale [II]
Mer de l'Inde orientale [I] Mer de l'Inde orientale [I]
Mer rouge et golfe persique Mer rouge et golfe persique
Mercator's Map of the World A.D. 1569 Mercator's Map of the World A.D. 1569
Merionethshire Merionethshire
Messana Messana
Meteorological Register of His Majesty's Ship Isabella [Aug-Sept] Meteorological Register of His Majesty's Ship Isabella [Aug-Sept]
Meteorological Register of His Majesty's Ship Isabella [June-July] Meteorological Register of His Majesty's Ship Isabella [June-July]
Meteorological Register of His Majesty's Ship Isabella [May-Oct] Meteorological Register of His Majesty's Ship Isabella [May-Oct]
Mets Mets
Mexico et Cvsco Mexico et Cvsco
Mexico y Sus Cercanias Mexico y Sus Cercanias
Mexico, California and Texas Mexico, California and Texas
Middelbvrgvm Selandiae Opp Middelbvrgvm Selandiae Opp
Middle with Part of the Southern and Western States Middle with Part of the Southern and Western States
Midlesex Midlesex
Minnesota and Dacotah Minnesota and Dacotah
Misena Hermvndvrorvm Vrbs Misena Hermvndvrorvm Vrbs
Modern Palestine Modern Palestine
Modern Palestine Modern Palestine
Moha, Arabian Felix, the Red Sea Moha, Arabian Felix, the Red Sea
Moha, the Red Sea Moha, the Red Sea
Mohilla, Mayolla, Joanna Mohilla, Mayolla, Joanna
Molguilla Beach Showing the Wreck of the H.M.S. Challenger Molguilla Beach Showing the Wreck of the H.M.S. Challenger
Monachivm Vtrivsqve Bavariae Civitas Primar 1586 Monachivm Vtrivsqve Bavariae Civitas Primar 1586
Monacvm Ingolstadivm Frisingensis Nordlinga Ratispona Stravbinga Monacvm Ingolstadivm Frisingensis Nordlinga Ratispona Stravbinga
Monasterivm Osnabrvgvm Wesalia Inferior Monasterivm Osnabrvgvm Wesalia Inferior
Monomotapa [II] Monomotapa [II]
Monomotapa [I] Monomotapa [I]
Mons Mons
Mons Calvariae 1600 Mons Calvariae 1600
Monspessvlanvs Montpellier Tvro Tovrs Pictavis Sive Pictavia Monspessvlanvs Montpellier Tvro Tovrs Pictavis Sive Pictavia
Montes Hannoniae Metropolis Arras Montes Hannoniae Metropolis Arras
Montgomeryshire Montgomeryshire
Moravia Moravia
Morea Morea
Mosambique, Soffala Mosambique, Soffala
Mosambuique, S. Lorinso [II] Mosambuique, S. Lorinso [II]
Mosambuique, S. Lorinso [I] Mosambuique, S. Lorinso [I]
Moscavw Moscovia Moscavw Moscovia
Moscovia Vrbs Metropolis Totius Russiae Albae Moscovia Vrbs Metropolis Totius Russiae Albae
Mvnden Mvnden
Namvr Namvr
Namvrcvm 1575 Namvrcvm 1575
Napakiang Roads Napakiang Roads
Natal and Kaffraria Natal and Kaffraria
Natoliae / Aegypti, Recentior Descriptio / Carthaginis Celeberrim Sinus Typis Natoliae / Aegypti, Recentior Descriptio / Carthaginis Celeberrim Sinus Typis
Neapolis Neapolis
Neu-Schwabenland, Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938-1939 Neu-Schwabenland, Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938-1939
Neuve Espagne [III] Neuve Espagne [III]
Neuve Espagne [II] Neuve Espagne [II]
Neuve Espagne [I] Neuve Espagne [I]
Nevs Nevs
New England States New England States
New Granada and Venezuela New Granada and Venezuela
New South Wales New South Wales
New York New York
New Zealand New Zealand
New Zealand New Zealand
Newcastle on Tyne Newcastle on Tyne
Nissa Silesior et Ligincivm Nissa Silesior et Ligincivm
Nobilis Hannoniae Comitatvs Descriptio Nobilis Hannoniae Comitatvs Descriptio
Nocerra et Castel Novo 1577 Nocerra et Castel Novo 1577
Nonia Nonia
Nordovicum Angliae Civitas Nordovicum Angliae Civitas
Norfolk Norfolk
Norhamtonshire Norhamtonshire
North America North America
North America North America
North America North America
North America, East Coast North America, East Coast
North and South-West Africa Showing the Course of the Niger North and South-West Africa Showing the Course of the Niger
North Atlantic North Atlantic
North Atlantic Ocean North Atlantic Ocean
North German Confederation and Prussia North German Confederation and Prussia
North Pacific North Pacific
North Part of West Falkland North Part of West Falkland
North Pole Regions North Pole Regions
Northeastern Atlantic Ocean and Northern Europe Northeastern Atlantic Ocean and Northern Europe
Northeastern South America Northeastern South America
Northern Africa Northern Africa
Northern and Central Germany Northern and Central Germany
Northern Europe Northern Europe
Northern India including the Presidency of Calcutta Northern India including the Presidency of Calcutta
Northern Indian Ocean with Arabia and India Northern Indian Ocean with Arabia and India
Northern Italy Northern Italy
Northern Ports and Harbours in the United States Northern Ports and Harbours in the United States
Northumberland Northumberland
Northwest Africa Northwest Africa
Noua Bracarae Auguste Descriptio 1594 Noua Bracarae Auguste Descriptio 1594
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
Novara Novara
Novesivm Vulgo Heus Verona Brvia et Sontina 1575 Novesivm Vulgo Heus Verona Brvia et Sontina 1575
Noviomagivm Vulgo Nymmegen Noviomagivm Vulgo Nymmegen
Novissima et accuratissima Insuale Jamaicae Novissima et accuratissima Insuale Jamaicae
Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula
Nvrnberg Nvrnberg
Nvrnberg Vlm Saltzbvrg Lindaw Nvrnberg Vlm Saltzbvrg Lindaw
Nymmegen Nymmegen
Ober Wesell et Boppart Ober Wesell et Boppart
Ocean indien et mer rouge Ocean indien et mer rouge
Oceania and Comparative N. America and Asia Oceania and Comparative N. America and Asia
Oceania or Islands in the Pacific Ocean Oceania or Islands in the Pacific Ocean
Oceanie Oceanie
Oenipons Vulgo Inspruck 1575 Oenipons Vulgo Inspruck 1575
Oenipontis Prospectus Oenipontis Prospectus
Oitinense Oppidulum et Arx Delineatio Ciuitatis Tonderensis Oitinense Oppidulum et Arx Delineatio Ciuitatis Tonderensis
Olissippo Quae Nunc Lisboa Olissippo Quae Nunc Lisboa
Orbis Terræ Orbis Terræ
Originalkarte der Pendulum Inseln Originalkarte der Pendulum Inseln
Orixa [II] Orixa [II]
Orixa [I] Orixa [I]
Orleans and Bovrges Orleans and Bovrges
Orvieto et Lavretvm Orvieto et Lavretvm
Ostenda Ostenda
Ostia Ostia
Outline Map of Central America Outline Map of Central America
Outline Map of the Indian Localities in 1833 Outline Map of the Indian Localities in 1833
Outline Map Showing he Position of the Ancient Mine Pits of Keweenaw Point Outline Map Showing he Position of the Ancient Mine Pits of Keweenaw Point
Outlines of the Coast of the Adriatic from Istria to Albania Outlines of the Coast of the Adriatic from Istria to Albania
Overland Route to India Overland Route to India
Owar Vizzegrad 1595 Owar Vizzegrad 1595
Oxfordshire Oxfordshire
Oxonivm Nobile Anglie Oppidum Vindesorivm Oxonivm Nobile Anglie Oppidum Vindesorivm
Palacios Alcanerilla Et Cabecas 1565 Palacios Alcanerilla Et Cabecas 1565
Palanka Superioris Hungariae Civitatas Palanka Superioris Hungariae Civitatas
Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio et Wirtenbergensis Duvatus Vera Descriptio Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio et Wirtenbergensis Duvatus Vera Descriptio
Palatinatus Rheni Palatinatus Rheni
Palatinatus superior Palatinatus superior
Palativm Regivm In Angliae Regno Noncivtz Hoc Est Nvsqvam Simile Dictvm 1582 Palativm Regivm In Angliae Regno Noncivtz Hoc Est Nvsqvam Simile Dictvm 1582
Palermo Palermo
Palestinae Sive Totius Terrae Palestinae Sive Totius Terrae
Palma Palma
Panoramic View of King George's Sound, Part of the Colony of Swan River Panoramic View of King George's Sound, Part of the Colony of Swan River
Panoramic View of the Columbian Exchange Panoramic View of the Columbian Exchange
Papa Inferioris Hungariae Oppidvm Papa Inferioris Hungariae Oppidvm
Paragoa, Mindoro Island, Luconia Paragoa, Mindoro Island, Luconia
Parma Sena Palermo et Drepanvm Parma Sena Palermo et Drepanvm
Part of South Australia Part of South Australia
Part of the Coast of Malabar, Ceiloan Part of the Coast of Malabar, Ceiloan
Partie des canibales Partie des canibales
Passaw 1576 Passaw 1576
Patavivm Nobilissima Patavivm Nobilissima
Pedemontanae Pedemontanae
Pegu Pegu
Penbrokshyre Penbrokshyre
Penigk 1617 Penigk 1617
Persia Persia
Persia, Arabia, Felix [III] Persia, Arabia, Felix [III]
Persia, Arabia, Felix [II] Persia, Arabia, Felix [II]
Persia, Arabia, Felix [I] Persia, Arabia, Felix [I]
Persia, Guzarat Persia, Guzarat
Persicic Sive Sophorum Regni Typus Persicic Sive Sophorum Regni Typus
Perth Perth
Peru & Bolivia Peru & Bolivia
Pervsia Pervsia
Petrina Petrina
Phillippeviile Mariebovrg Chimay et Vallecvria Phillippeviile Mariebovrg Chimay et Vallecvria
Pictavia Vulgo Poictiers 1561 La Poictiers et Prospectus Montis Henrici Pictavia Vulgo Poictiers 1561 La Poictiers et Prospectus Montis Henrici
Pictorial Map of California Pictorial Map of California
Pictorial Map of Panama Canal and Zone Pictorial Map of Panama Canal and Zone
Pictorial Map of San Francisco Pictorial Map of San Francisco
Pictorial Map of the World Pictorial Map of the World
Pisavrum or Pezaro Pisavrum or Pezaro
Plan de la Baie de Rio Janeiro Plan de la Baie de Rio Janeiro
Plan of Baltimore Plan of Baltimore
Plan of Banner Cove, Picton Island, Tierra del Fuego Plan of Banner Cove, Picton Island, Tierra del Fuego
Plan of Boston Plan of Boston
Plan of Cincinnati and Vicinity Plan of Cincinnati and Vicinity
Plan of Luebo Station Plan of Luebo Station
Plan of New Orleans Plan of New Orleans
Plan of New York Plan of New York
Plan of Northumberland South, Prince Albert Island Plan of Northumberland South, Prince Albert Island
Plan of Part of Baffin's Bay Plan of Part of Baffin's Bay
Plan of Philadelphia Plan of Philadelphia
Plan of Port Macquarie, Including a Sketch of Part of Hastings River on the East Coast of New South Wales Plan of Port Macquarie, Including a Sketch of Part of Hastings River on the East Coast of New South Wales
Plan of Spalato Plan of Spalato
Plan of the Compounds in the Cantonment of Ootacamund [1834] Plan of the Compounds in the Cantonment of Ootacamund [1834]
Plan of the Group called Romanzoff's Islands Plan of the Group called Romanzoff's Islands
Plan of the Port of Lievely, Greenland Plan of the Port of Lievely, Greenland
Plan of the Port of Pernambuco Plan of the Port of Pernambuco
Plan of the Principal Field of Action between the Rivers Cottica and Marawina; with a Sketch of the manner of Encamping in the Woods of Surinam Plan of the Principal Field of Action between the Rivers Cottica and Marawina; with a Sketch of the manner of Encamping in the Woods of Surinam
Planisphere physique, ou l'on voit du pole septentrional ce que l'on connoit de terres et de mers Planisphere physique, ou l'on voit du pole septentrional ce que l'on connoit de terres et de mers
Plano de la Bahia de Talcahuano Plano de la Bahia de Talcahuano
Plano de la Bahia de Valparaiso Plano de la Bahia de Valparaiso
Plano de la Batalla de Maypu Plano de la Batalla de Maypu
Plano De Santiago Plano De Santiago
Plano del Puerto Constitucion (1841) Plano del Puerto Constitucion (1841)
Plano del Puerto de San Carlos Plano del Puerto de San Carlos
Plano Orografico de la Zona Recorrida por el Ferro-Carril Mexicano de Veracruz a Mexico Plano Orografico de la Zona Recorrida por el Ferro-Carril Mexicano de Veracruz a Mexico
Plans of Cities, Ports ... in Portugal, Spain, Brazil, and Rio de la Plata Plans of Cities, Ports ... in Portugal, Spain, Brazil, and Rio de la Plata
Plans of Cities, Ports, and Islands in East Africa, Asia, and the Coast of India Plans of Cities, Ports, and Islands in East Africa, Asia, and the Coast of India
Plans of Ports and Islands on the Coasts of Peru and Chile Plans of Ports and Islands on the Coasts of Peru and Chile
Plans of Ports in Italy and Malta Plans of Ports in Italy and Malta
Plans of Ports in Mexico, West Coast Plans of Ports in Mexico, West Coast
Plans of Ports in the West Indies Plans of Ports in the West Indies
Plans of Ports, Islands, and Cities on the Coast of Africa and India Plans of Ports, Islands, and Cities on the Coast of Africa and India
Plans of Ports, Islands, and Straits of the Red Sea, East Asia, and Philippines Plans of Ports, Islands, and Straits of the Red Sea, East Asia, and Philippines
Planta de Cidade de S. Sebastiao de Rio de Janeiro Planta de Cidade de S. Sebastiao de Rio de Janeiro
Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse
Poictov Poictov
Polar Chart to Illustrate A. Petermann's Papers on the Arctic Regions Polar Chart to Illustrate A. Petermann's Papers on the Arctic Regions
Polna Volga Polm Polna Volga Polm
Polonia et Silesia Polonia et Silesia
Poloniae Poloniae
Polus Articus Polus Articus
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean
Port Melville Port Melville
Portrait Sainct Germain En Laye Portrait Fontaine Belleav Portrait Sainct Germain En Laye Portrait Fontaine Belleav
Ports and Harbours on the East Coast of England Ports and Harbours on the East Coast of England
Ports and Harbours on the East Coast of Scotland Ports and Harbours on the East Coast of Scotland
Ports and Harbours on the North West Coast of England Ports and Harbours on the North West Coast of England
Ports and Harbours on the South East Coast of England Ports and Harbours on the South East Coast of England
Ports and Harbours on the South West Coast of England Ports and Harbours on the South West Coast of England
Ports and Harbours on the West Coast of Scotland Ports and Harbours on the West Coast of Scotland
Portugalliae Portugalliae
Portuguese Islands in the Atlantic Ocean Portuguese Islands in the Atlantic Ocean
Posnania et Crosno Posnania et Crosno
Posonivm Posonivm
Pourtour de la mer noire [II] Pourtour de la mer noire [II]
Pourtour de la mer noire [I] Pourtour de la mer noire [I]
Praga Egra Praga Egra
Praga Regni Bohemiae Metropolis Praga Regni Bohemiae Metropolis
Premiere Projection Premiere Projection
Preston Preston
Principal Dutch Colonies in the Indian Seas Principal Dutch Colonies in the Indian Seas
Profil ou coupe des differens fonds du Canal de la Manche Profil ou coupe des differens fonds du Canal de la Manche
Prospectivs Amoe Nissimvs Vallis Oeniponticae Vnacvm Antro Prospectivs Amoe Nissimvs Vallis Oeniponticae Vnacvm Antro
Prospectuvs Freti Sicvli Vulgo Il Faro Di Messina 1617 Prospectuvs Freti Sicvli Vulgo Il Faro Di Messina 1617
Provincia de Aconcaqua Provincia de Aconcaqua
Provincia de Atacama Provincia de Atacama
Provincia de Cauquenes Provincia de Cauquenes
Provincia de Chloe Provincia de Chloe
Provincia de Concepcion Provincia de Concepcion
Provincia de Coquimbo Provincia de Coquimbo
Provincias de Santiago y de Valparaiso Provincias de Santiago y de Valparaiso
Provincias de Talca y de Colcaqua Provincias de Talca y de Colcaqua
Prussia Prussia
Prussia Prussia
Prussia and the German States Prussia and the German States
Puglia Piana Puglia Piana
Pvteoli and Baiae Pvteoli and Baiae
Quatrieme Projection Quatrieme Projection
Queensland Queensland
Quinam, Aynam Quinam, Aynam
Railway Map of the British Isles Railway Map of the British Isles
Ratisbona 1594 Ratisbona 1594
Ratzenbvrgk 1588 Ratzenbvrgk 1588
Regionis Biturigum Limaniae Regionis Biturigum Limaniae
Regni Bohemiae Descriptio Regni Bohemiae Descriptio
Regni Hispaniae Regni Hispaniae
Regni Neapolitani Regni Neapolitani
Reyno de la Nueva Expana a Principios del Siglo XIX Reyno de la Nueva Expana a Principios del Siglo XIX
Rhotomagvs Vulgo Rouen Rhotomagvs Vulgo Rouen
Rimini Rimini
Rochella Mvnitissimvm Galliae Opp Rochella Mvnitissimvm Galliae Opp
Rojapore Rojapore
Roma Roma
Rostochivm Vrbs Vandalica Anseatic et Megapolitana Rostochivm Vrbs Vandalica Anseatic et Megapolitana
Rotomagvs Vulgo Roan Nemavsvs Nismes Civitatis Bvrdegalensis In Aqvitanea Rotomagvs Vulgo Roan Nemavsvs Nismes Civitatis Bvrdegalensis In Aqvitanea
Rotterdam Rotterdam
Rotterdam et Govde Rotterdam et Govde
Route from Bangkok to Kiang-Tsen Route from Bangkok to Kiang-Tsen
Route of the Expedition from Isle a la Cross to Fort Providence Route of the Expedition from Isle a la Cross to Fort Providence
Route of the Expedition from York Factory to Cumberland House Route of the Expedition from York Factory to Cumberland House
Routenkarte von a Goering's Reisen in Venezuela Routenkarte von a Goering's Reisen in Venezuela
Routes in the Holy Land by the Rev'd H. B. Tristram Routes in the Holy Land by the Rev'd H. B. Tristram
Routes of Mendana 1595, Quiros 1606 and Torres 1606 Routes of Mendana 1595, Quiros 1606 and Torres 1606
Royaume de Ginganton Royaume de Ginganton
Russia Russia
Russia in Asia Russia in Asia
Russia in Europe Russia in Europe
Russia in Europe Russia in Europe
Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio Russiae, Moscoviae et Tartariae Descriptio
Russian Empire Russian Empire
Russian Empire in Eastern and Western Asia Russian Empire in Eastern and Western Asia
Rutlandshire Rutlandshire
Südliche Hemisphaere der Weltkarte des Orontius Finaeus A.D Jahare 1531 Südliche Hemisphaere der Weltkarte des Orontius Finaeus A.D Jahare 1531
Südliche Hemisphaere des Globus von Johannes Schöner A.D Jahare 1533 Südliche Hemisphaere des Globus von Johannes Schöner A.D Jahare 1533
S. Lorinso [II] S. Lorinso [II]
S. Lorinso [I] S. Lorinso [I]
S. Polid Vulgo Sanpolten S. Polid Vulgo Sanpolten
Saintes 1560 Saintes 1560
Salisburgensis Salisburgensis
Saltset Island, Bombay Island, Coronia Saltset Island, Bombay Island, Coronia
Saltzburgr Saltzburgr
Salzburg Salzburg
Sanctonicolavm Sanctonicolavm
Sant Juan Del Foratche Et Jerenna 1565 Sant Juan Del Foratche Et Jerenna 1565
Santander Santander
Saxonia inferior Saxonia inferior
Saxonia superior Saxonia superior
Saxoniae Saxoniae
Scenographia Totivs Fabricae S Laurentii In Escorali Scenographia Totivs Fabricae S Laurentii In Escorali
Schels Kaart van de Kolonie Suriname of Ned[erlan]sch Guiana Schels Kaart van de Kolonie Suriname of Ned[erlan]sch Guiana
Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarumque Regionum Nova Descriptio
Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia
Sclesvicvm 1584 Sclesvicvm 1584
Scopa Vulgo Schvepa 1617 Scopa Vulgo Schvepa 1617
Scotia [III] Scotia [III]
Scotia [II] Scotia [II]
Scotia [I] Scotia [I]
Scotland Scotland
Scotland (with) inset map of the Shetland Islands Scotland (with) inset map of the Shetland Islands
Section from the Mouth of the Genesee River to Instantur, Penn. Section from the Mouth of the Genesee River to Instantur, Penn.
Segeberga Segeberga
Sendomiria et Biecz Sendomiria et Biecz
Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip
Seravalli Seravalli
Sevilla Sevilla
Sevilla 1593 Sevilla 1593
Sevilla, Cadiz, Malaga Sevilla, Cadiz, Malaga
Sheffield Sheffield
Shropshyre Shropshyre
Sibinium Vulgo Sibenicho Parens Modom Sibinium Vulgo Sibenicho Parens Modom
Sicilia Sicilia
Sicily Reduced from a Map Published by Authority at Naples in the Year 1810 Sicily Reduced from a Map Published by Authority at Naples in the Year 1810
Silesiae Typus Silesiae Typus
Siompa, Borneo Siompa, Borneo
Sitca or Norfolk Sound Surveyed by Captn Lisiansky - 1805 Sitca or Norfolk Sound Surveyed by Captn Lisiansky - 1805
Sixieme Projection Sixieme Projection
Sketch Map ... showing the Faults of the Grand Canon District. Sketch Map ... showing the Faults of the Grand Canon District.
Sketch Map of Lower Egypt Sketch Map of Lower Egypt
Sketch Map of Sevastopol with the Siege Works - 1855 Sketch Map of Sevastopol with the Siege Works - 1855
Sketch Map of South America Sketch Map of South America
Sketch Map of South Norway Sketch Map of South Norway
Sketch Map of Southern Norway Showing the Author's Route Sketch Map of Southern Norway Showing the Author's Route
Sketch Map of the Canary Islands Sketch Map of the Canary Islands
Sketch Map of the Country North of India Sketch Map of the Country North of India
Sketch Map of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland Sketch Map of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland
Sketch Map of the Expedition Sketch Map of the Expedition
Sketch Map of the Suez Canal Sketch Map of the Suez Canal
Sketch Map Showing the Mountain and River Systems of Sikkim Sketch Map Showing the Mountain and River Systems of Sikkim
Sketch Map to Illustrate the Diaries in Nepal and Sikkim Sketch Map to Illustrate the Diaries in Nepal and Sikkim
Slvys Slvys
Sneecha Vulgo Sneeck Sloten Doccvm et Ylstae Sneecha Vulgo Sneeck Sloten Doccvm et Ylstae
Soest Soest
Soest Warborch Soest Warborch
Somersetshire Somersetshire
South Africa South Africa
South America South America
South America South America
South America South America
South Atlantic South Atlantic
South East Borneo South East Borneo
South Pacific South Pacific
Southampton Southampton
Southeast Africa Southeast Africa
Southeastern South America, Straits of Magellan Southeastern South America, Straits of Magellan
Southern Africa and Southwest Indian Ocean Southern Africa and Southwest Indian Ocean
Southern Germany Southern Germany
Southern India including the Presidencies of Bombay & Madras Southern India including the Presidencies of Bombay & Madras
Southern Indian Ocean with Insulindia on the Left, and Madagascar on the Right Southern Indian Ocean with Insulindia on the Left, and Madagascar on the Right
Southern Italy Southern Italy
Southern Part of Baltic Sea Southern Part of Baltic Sea
Southern Ports and Harbours in the United States Southern Ports and Harbours in the United States
Southwestern Atlantic Ocean with Brazil Southwestern Atlantic Ocean with Brazil
Spain and Portugal Spain and Portugal
Spain and Portugal Spain and Portugal
Spaine Spaine
St. Omer St. Omer
Staden Staden
Stafford Countie and Towne Stafford Countie and Towne
States of the Late Germanic Confederation States of the Late Germanic Confederation
Stiria Stiria
Stockholm Stocholm Donabat Huic Operi Hieronymus Scholeus Stockholm Stocholm Donabat Huic Operi Hieronymus Scholeus
Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego
Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego (1690 Spanish Insert) Strait of Magellan and Tierra del Fuego (1690 Spanish Insert)
Strigonivm Gran 1595 Strigonivm Gran 1595
Suecia et Norwegia Suecia et Norwegia
Suffolke Suffolke
Sumatra Sumatra
Sumatra, Banca [II] Sumatra, Banca [II]
Sumatra, Banca [I] Sumatra, Banca [I]
Sumatra, Banca, Borneo, Succadana Sumatra, Banca, Borneo, Succadana
Sumatra, Java Sumatra, Java
Sumatra, Malaya Sumatra, Malaya
Sumatra, Straghts of Sunda, Java Sumatra, Straghts of Sunda, Java
Sumatra, Sunda Straghts Sumatra, Sunda Straghts
Sumatra, Sunda Straghts, Java Sumatra, Sunda Straghts, Java
Sunda Straghts, Java Sunda Straghts, Java
Surrat City, Cambaya, Guzarat Surrat City, Cambaya, Guzarat
Surrey Surrey
Sussex Sussex
Svlmo Ovidii Patria Vrbino Svlmo Ovidii Patria Vrbino
Sweden and Norway Sweden and Norway
Sweden and Norway with Russian Finland Sweden and Norway with Russian Finland
Switzerland Switzerland
Switzerland Switzerland
Swol Swolla Swol Swolla
Syria Syria
Talis's Railway Map of Great Britain Talis's Railway Map of Great Britain
Tartariae Sive Magni Chami Regni Tartariae Sive Magni Chami Regni
Tasmania Tasmania
Taurica Taurica
Terra Java Terra Java
Terra Java Terra Java
Terre australe [III] Terre australe [III]
Terre australe [II] Terre australe [II]
Terre australe [IV] Terre australe [IV]
Terre australe [IX] Terre australe [IX]
Terre australe [I] Terre australe [I]
Terre australe [VIII] Terre australe [VIII]
Terre australe [VII] Terre australe [VII]
Terre australe [VI] Terre australe [VI]
Terre australe [V] Terre australe [V]
Terre australe [X] Terre australe [X]
Terre de Floride - Partie de la mer oceanne Terre de Floride - Partie de la mer oceanne
Terre du Perou [III] Terre du Perou [III]
Terre du Perou [II] Terre du Perou [II]
Terre du Perou [I] Terre du Perou [I]
Terre-Neuve, Europe et Barbarie Terre-Neuve, Europe et Barbarie
The Bishophrick and Citie of Durham The Bishophrick and Citie of Durham
The British Isles. (with) inset map of the Shetland Islands. The British Isles. (with) inset map of the Shetland Islands.
The British Possessions in the East Indies The British Possessions in the East Indies
The Caribee Islands Traced from a Manuscript Chart of the World The Caribee Islands Traced from a Manuscript Chart of the World
The Central Ridge of Palestine The Central Ridge of Palestine
The City of Jerusalem (Modern) The City of Jerusalem (Modern)
The Counti and City of Lyn The Counti and City of Lyn
The Counti of Nottingham The Counti of Nottingham
The Counti of Warwick The Counti of Warwick
The Countie of Leinster The Countie of Leinster
The Countie of Radnor The Countie of Radnor
The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster
The Countie Westmorland The Countie Westmorland
The Countye of Monmouth The Countye of Monmouth
The Countye Palatine of Chester The Countye Palatine of Chester
The Dead Sea to Illustrate the Routes and Observations of the Rev'd H. B. Tristram The Dead Sea to Illustrate the Routes and Observations of the Rev'd H. B. Tristram
The Dominions of the Nizam of Haidarabad including Berar The Dominions of the Nizam of Haidarabad including Berar
The Invasions of England and Ireland The Invasions of England and Ireland
The Islands of New Zealand The Islands of New Zealand
The Isle of Man The Isle of Man
The Kingdome of China The Kingdome of China
The Kingdome of Denmarke The Kingdome of Denmarke
The Kingdome of England The Kingdome of England
The Kingdome of Irland The Kingdome of Irland
The Kingdome of Persia The Kingdome of Persia
The Kingdome of Scotland The Kingdome of Scotland
The Lakes of the Cumberland, Westmoreland, etc The Lakes of the Cumberland, Westmoreland, etc
The Levant: Sea of Marmora, Alexandria, Alexandretta, Nile Delta, and Gallipoli The Levant: Sea of Marmora, Alexandria, Alexandretta, Nile Delta, and Gallipoli
The Mape of Hungari The Mape of Hungari
The Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea
The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire
The North-Eastern Part of the United States The North-Eastern Part of the United States
The North-Eastern Part of the United States The North-Eastern Part of the United States
The Province of Connaugh The Province of Connaugh
The Province of Mounster The Province of Mounster
The Province of Ulster The Province of Ulster
The Riseing of the Land as it Appeareth to the Eye The Riseing of the Land as it Appeareth to the Eye
The river of Humber -- The river of Tyne The river of Humber -- The river of Tyne
The Routes of Marco Polo and the Islands of the Atlantic The Routes of Marco Polo and the Islands of the Atlantic
The Settled Portions of South Australia The Settled Portions of South Australia
The Sources of Behaim's Globe The Sources of Behaim's Globe
The Southern Divisions of the Cape of Good Hope Colony The Southern Divisions of the Cape of Good Hope Colony
The Southern Part of the Province of Auckland The Southern Part of the Province of Auckland
The Territories of the Maharaja of Jummoo and Kashmir The Territories of the Maharaja of Jummoo and Kashmir
The Turkisch Empire The Turkisch Empire
The West Indies The West Indies
The West Ridinge of Yorkeshyre The West Ridinge of Yorkeshyre
The Windward passage from Jamaica, betwene the east end of Cuba, and the west end of Hispaniola The Windward passage from Jamaica, betwene the east end of Cuba, and the west end of Hispaniola
The World The World
The World as Known to Christian Europe in 1492 The World as Known to Christian Europe in 1492
The World in Hemispheres The World in Hemispheres
The World on Mercator's Projection The World on Mercator's Projection
The World on Mercator's Projection The World on Mercator's Projection
The World on Mercator's Projection The World on Mercator's Projection
Thibet, Mongolia, and Mandchouria Thibet, Mongolia, and Mandchouria
This New Map of Burma and the Regions Adjacent is Inscribed to Sir Roderick I. Murchison This New Map of Burma and the Regions Adjacent is Inscribed to Sir Roderick I. Murchison
Thuringia Thuringia
Thuscia Thuscia
Thusciae Thusciae
Tibvrtvm Vulgo Tivoli Tibvrtvm Vulgo Tivoli
Tienen Tienen
Tingis Lvsitanis Tangiara Tzaffin Septa Arzilla et Sala Tingis Lvsitanis Tangiara Tzaffin Septa Arzilla et Sala
Tipvs Civitatis Lvblinesi In Regno Poloniae Tipvs Civitatis Lvblinesi In Regno Poloniae
Toletvm, Vallisoletvm Toletvm, Vallisoletvm
Toletvn 1566 Toletvn 1566
Toninga Eiderstadiae et Hvsvm Toninga Eiderstadiae et Hvsvm
Tonquin, Qunacy, Aynam Tonquin, Qunacy, Aynam
Topographia Insulae Huenae In Celebri Prothmo Regni Daniae 1586 Topographia Insulae Huenae In Celebri Prothmo Regni Daniae 1586
Topographical Map of Gour Topographical Map of Gour
Tornacvm Tornacvm
Track Chart of H.M.S Galatea 1867-1868 Track Chart of H.M.S Galatea 1867-1868
Track of H.M. Ships Isabella and Alexander Track of H.M. Ships Isabella and Alexander
Track of the Barge and Cutter Track of the Barge and Cutter
Traejectvm Traejectvm
Traiectvm Ad Mosam Traiectvm Ad Mosam
Transilvania Transilvania
Transsylvania Transsylvania
Treveris Cobolentz Rotenbvrg Treveris Cobolentz Rotenbvrg
Tricaricvm Basilicatae Civitas Tricaricvm Basilicatae Civitas
Troisieme Projection Troisieme Projection
Tschertogembosch Tschertogembosch
Tshertogenbosch Loeven Machelen Tshertogenbosch Loeven Machelen
Ttahuantin-Suyu or the Empire of the Yncas Ttahuantin-Suyu or the Empire of the Yncas
Turcici Imperii Descriptio Turcici Imperii Descriptio
Turkey in Asia Turkey in Asia
Turkey in Asia Biblical Regions the Holy Land and It's Borders Turkey in Asia Biblical Regions the Holy Land and It's Borders
Turkey in Europe Turkey in Europe
Turkey, Central Mediterranean Regions Turkey, Central Mediterranean Regions
Turkish Empire Turkish Empire
Tvnes 1535 Africa Olim Aphodisivm Penon De Veles Tvnes 1535 Africa Olim Aphodisivm Penon De Veles
Tvnetis Vrbis 1574 Tvnetis Vrbis 1574
Tvrones Vulgo Tours Adegavvm Vulgo Angiers 1561 Tvrones Vulgo Tours Adegavvm Vulgo Angiers 1561
Typus Orbis Terrarum Typus Orbis Terrarum
Typus Vindelicae Typus Vindelicae
Ubersichtskarte des nordlichen Theiles von Ostgronland Ubersichtskarte des nordlichen Theiles von Ostgronland
Uebersichts Karte des Arctischen Gebietes Gezeichnet von Karl Weyprecht Uebersichts Karte des Arctischen Gebietes Gezeichnet von Karl Weyprecht
United States United States
United States United States
United States United States
United States - North Central Section United States - North Central Section
United States - North Eastern States United States - North Eastern States
United States - South Central Section United States - South Central Section
United States - South Eastern States United States - South Eastern States
Valenchiennes Valenchiennes
Valle De Mexico Valle De Mexico
Van Diemen's Island or Tasmania Van Diemen's Island or Tasmania
Varadinvm Varadinvm
Varsovia Varsovia
Vegel And Velis Mallaga Vegel And Velis Mallaga
Velitrae Vvlgo Blitri Velitrae Vvlgo Blitri
Venetia Venetia
Venezuela, New Granada, Equador, and the Guayanas Venezuela, New Granada, Equador, and the Guayanas
Veronæ principatus, Vicentiæ, et Patavii Veronæ principatus, Vicentiæ, et Patavii
Verona Verona
Vertical Section on the Parallel of Latitude 41 Degrees North and 35 Degrees North Vertical Section on the Parallel of Latitude 41 Degrees North and 35 Degrees North
Vertical Section Showing the Relative Thickness of the Different Rocks Vertical Section Showing the Relative Thickness of the Different Rocks
Vesontio Seqvanorvm 1575 Vesontio Seqvanorvm 1575
Vetvstiss Ad Mare Thyrrhenvcm Terracinae Oppidvm Vetvstiss Ad Mare Thyrrhenvcm Terracinae Oppidvm
Vias de Comunicacion y Movimiento Maritimo Vias de Comunicacion y Movimiento Maritimo
Vicenza Vicenza
Victoria or Port Phillip Victoria or Port Phillip
Vienna Austriae Vienna Austriae
Vienna Buda Vulgo Ofen Vienna Buda Vulgo Ofen
View of the Land Round the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro View of the Land Round the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
View of the Polar Regions View of the Polar Regions
Vilna Litaniae Metropolis Vilna Litaniae Metropolis
Visbia Gothorvm Visbia Gothorvm
Vrbis Romae 1570 Vrbis Romae 1570
Vrbs Nancei Lotharingiae et La Ville De Nancy 1617 Vrbs Nancei Lotharingiae et La Ville De Nancy 1617
Vtriusque Vtriusque
Waldeck Waldeck
Wales Wales
Wallachia, Servia, Bulgaria, Romania Wallachia, Servia, Bulgaria, Romania
Washington Islands - 1804 Washington Islands - 1804
Weimaria Iena Gotha Erdfordia Fvldensis Civitatis Weimaria Iena Gotha Erdfordia Fvldensis Civitatis
Werden et Essend Werden et Essend
Wesalia Wesalia
West Canada West Canada
West Coast of South America West Coast of South America
West India Islands West India Islands
Western Africa Western Africa
Western Australia, Swan River Western Australia, Swan River
Western Europe and northwestern Africa Western Europe and northwestern Africa
Western Hemisphere Western Hemisphere
Westfalia [III] Westfalia [III]
Westfalia [II] Westfalia [II]
Westfalia [I] Westfalia [I]
Westliche Hemisphaere nach der Weltkarte des Lionardo da Vinci Westliche Hemisphaere nach der Weltkarte des Lionardo da Vinci
Wiflispurgergow Wiflispurgergow
Wight Island Wight Island
Wiismaria Wiismaria
Wilshire Wilshire
Winmaria Or Weinmar Winmaria Or Weinmar
Winter and Summer Belts of Temperature Winter and Summer Belts of Temperature
Wirtenberg Wirtenberg
Wissenbvrgvm Rvbreacvm Colmaria Badense Oppidvm Vulgo Oben Baden Wissenbvrgvm Rvbreacvm Colmaria Badense Oppidvm Vulgo Oben Baden
Wittenbvrga Civitas Francfordiensis Wismaria Rostochivm Wittenbvrga Civitas Francfordiensis Wismaria Rostochivm
Worcestershire Worcestershire
World World
World in Hemispheres World in Hemispheres
World Map with Atlantis World Map with Atlantis
World on Mercator's Projection World on Mercator's Projection
Wratislavia 1587 Wratislavia 1587
Xantung, Nanquin Xantung, Nanquin
York York
Yorke Shrowesbvry Lancaster et Richmont Yorke Shrowesbvry Lancaster et Richmont
Yorkshire Yorkshire
Zambezia and Surrounding Regions Zambezia and Surrounding Regions
Zamoscivm Noua Poloniae Ciuitas Zamoscivm Noua Poloniae Ciuitas
Zaros Superioris Hungariae Civitatas and Propugnaculum Zaros Superioris Hungariae Civitatas and Propugnaculum
Zeelandt Zeelandt
Zelandicarum et Prussiae Descriptio Zelandicarum et Prussiae Descriptio
Zolnock Superioris Hungariae Civitas Zolnock Superioris Hungariae Civitas
Zurichgow Zurichgow
Zurych Zurych
Zvtphen Zvtphen
[1] Map of Oceanica Exhibiting It's Various Divisions Island Groups &c. [2] Map of the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii] [1] Map of Oceanica Exhibiting It's Various Divisions Island Groups &c. [2] Map of the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii]
[I] Ireland in Provinces [II] Counties County Map of Scotland [I] Ireland in Provinces [II] Counties County Map of Scotland
[I] Map of Chili [II] Map of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay [I] Map of Chili [II] Map of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay
[I] Map of Denmark [II] Map of Holland and Belgium [III] Russia in Europe, Sweden and Norway [I] Map of Denmark [II] Map of Holland and Belgium [III] Russia in Europe, Sweden and Norway
[I] Map of New Granada, Venezuela and Guiana [II] Map of Peru and Ecuador [III] Map of the Argentine Confederation [I] Map of New Granada, Venezuela and Guiana [II] Map of Peru and Ecuador [III] Map of the Argentine Confederation
[Map of the World: Tavola 1-60 Composite] [Map of the World: Tavola 1-60 Composite]

Composite map of the first ring of four sheets around the north pole, the second ring of 8 sheets, the third ring of 12 sheets, the fourth ring of 18 sheets, the fifth ring of 18 sheets, and the legends and diagrams in the four corners.

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